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    My take on Big Brother

    Cheaps a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    My take on  Big Brother Empty My take on Big Brother

    Post by Cheaps Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:49 am

    Let me just say, I am enjoying what I am watching. It is very different from the reality shows I am used to watching.

    One thing I don't like is how long it takes for someone to get eliminated. I am watching "The Challenge: Rivals" on MTV right now too (I been a fan of these shows forever) and they have a challenge, vote who they want up for elimination, have a duel and somebody goes home all within a 1 hour episode. So it's taking me a bit to get used to Big Brother and their process. Big Brother challenges can be somewhat cheesy also, the mllk, banana, and picnic ant challenge were pretty tame compared to what i'm used to on The Challenge. And Big Brothers game outfits? HAHA!

    Back to Big Brother, I was a little upset that the veterans were able to weasel 2 votes from the newbies (In the challenge veterans always win out over newbies). So in these types of situations, I usually root for the newbies, over veterans.

    But like I said, I am enjoying the show Blue Cool
    Cheaps a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    My take on  Big Brother Empty Re: My take on Big Brother

    Post by Cheaps Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:51 am

    Oh yea, I don't like Rachel!!
    Tony Marino
    Tony Marino
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    My take on  Big Brother Empty Re: My take on Big Brother

    Post by Tony Marino Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:21 am

    LOL no one likes Rachel, last year in her season practically everyone hated her but she is good for drama. I have been watching BB since 2003 so I am used to the format, the challenges and how long it takes for the live votes and eviction. In the interim they have showtime after dark and the live feeds to follow the house guests every move. I had the live feeds last year but I was never able to catch anything worth seeing. since the show is in California by the time something would happen, I would either be on my way home or doing something else. As far as the challenges they become more difficult as time moves on and there are less and less people.

    The newbies are not very smart, if they banned together they could have overthrown the veterans. Rachel and Brendon are very good in challenges as is Danielle. The newbies need to step up their game a bit if they intend to defeat the veterans. I like Jeff and Jordan and I hope they are around for awhile.

    I am glad you are watching with us Cheaps!!

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