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    Scoops & Spoilers

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    Scoops & Spoilers Empty Scoops & Spoilers

    Post by Chris Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:32 am

    Scoops & Spoilers
    Previews for the week of 01-Aug-2011
    by Carol Banks Weber

    • Everybody in Todd’s life will be floored by what comes next. It’s two Todds at the movie premiere!

    • Todd Manning’s tribe cries out for justice and the truth to the Tale of Two Todds right this very minute.

    • Both Todds point accusatory fingers at one another, each claiming authenticity.

    • Original Todd, aka the Man with the Scar, goes right up to Jack and Starr and implores them to have faith in him.

    • While Jack puts MWS down as the Todd pretender, heartening Trevor St. John’s recast Todd, Starr isn’t so sure what to think anymore.

    • Blair and Tea go bug-eyed at the two Todds standing before them.

    • Agent Baker puts up a road block to John’s official interrogation, inciting MWS to take out his shiny gun.

    • The cops put Roger Howarth’s Todd Manning in lockup.

    • As MWS is led away to booking, he stalls long enough to present Blair with their wedding photograph and give her a memorable smooch.

    • Téa puts the Man with the Scar through his paces, to get to the bottom of this.

    • Starr doesn’t fall over herself in blind adoration of the MWS, like Sam did. She quizzes this guy to discern truth from lies.

    • MWS melts as a grandfather would at Starr’s having birthed a daughter she named Hope.

    • MWS almost wins Starr over, in a face-to-face, poignant reaching out. Tea’s gonna be a harder nut to crack.

    • A skeptical Tea goes to the Llanview jailhouse to put MWS through her own line of questioning.

    • MWS swears up and down to Tea that he’s the real deal – up to and including siring Danielle.

    • Tea gives John and anyone else hell over whether his DNA gathering (for the test) even counts.

    • Starr’s doubts weigh heavily and hurtfully on Todd (Trevor St. John).

    • Jack’s 100% belief in him, however, gladdens Todd.

    • Todd begins to seriously panic that Tea will also be won over by MWS.

    • Viki has a word—or 57—with the man claiming to be the real Todd, with the original Todd’s face.

    • MWS tries to get through to Viki that he really is the original Todd.

    • Viki honestly doesn’t know what to make of any of this. But she should know, what she offers to the table could tip the scales in the end.

    • Todd finally relents and makes public his connection with the CIA, just as Tomas does. But Todd remains adamant that he’s always been who he says he is and that he hasn’t any idea what MWS is about.

    • Tomas’s next announcement also floors one and all.

    • Tomas divulges to the others that he’s also ignorant as to the real Todd.

    • John dislikes it, but the Feds leave him no choice other than to spring Agent Baker – no closer to the truth.

    • John must spring Agent Baker before he can ascertain what the suit is up to.

    • It’s going to be up to John to sort the two Todds out.

    • Gigi’s spirit must call upon troubled Rex and set him straight. First, he must shake the disbelief.

    • Rex backs out of his original plan to gun down the Mannings, because he sees Gigi’s spirit coming at him.

    • Back at Clint’s mansion, Rex pours out his angst to a photo of his dead almost-wife.

    • Echo visits Rex to thank him for springing her from lockup like he did.

    • Rex confesses to Echo about his planned shooting spree of the Mannings at that stupid premiere, as well as why he backed out (Gigi’s spirit).

    • Assuming Gigi appeared to Rex because of Rex’s own emotional bidding, Echo tries to be compassionate.

    • Rex corrects Echo: it wasn’t him doing this, it was really Gigi there.

    • Gigi’s spirit comes to Rex a second time, sending him chasing after her and causing consternation in Echo.

    • Dorian tells Echo not to get her hopes up, just because she evaded the long arm of the law this time. Dorian says she means to make Echo’s life so miserable, the woman’ll have no choice but to scram Llanview, tail between her legs.

    • Nora and Bo are met with Destiny, following their latest jaunt to check in on Matthew’s progress.

    • Destiny peppers Nora and Bo about how Matthew’s faring.

    • Nora and Bo are hot on the trail of Matthew’s head-hemorrhager.

    • After David unthinkingly hands Bo a stick of mango-flavored gum, the case of who hit Matthew in the head resolves.

    • Bo gets out of David that he got the mango gum from Nate, so therefore, Nate caused Matthew’s head trauma.

    • Nate unburdens himself about accidentally decking Matthew and hiding this fact.

    • Nora and Bo can’t bear to watch Clint go to prison for a murder they know very well their own son Matthew committed.

    • Clint recovers nicely from his heart transplant, only to have to appear in a courtroom to take his punishment (an arraignment) like a man.

    • Luckily, Clint need not take his court-dictated punishment alone. Loved ones gather for moral support in the courtroom.

    • At Clint’s arraignment, Nora – acting as district attorney – states to the judge her unwillingness to press forward against the defendant in the charge of murdering Eddie Ford.

    • Clint must take his punishment, however, for the other crimes against humanity he confessed to on live television, as the judge decrees jailtime prior to a trial for those charges.

    • Destiny faces a fork in her road. What is she going to do about this life growing inside her?

    • Destiny, Dani, and Shaun make their appointment with Dr. Vivian to confirm the teen pregnancy and brainstorm solutions.

    • Next week: John announces to all those concerned the results of the DNA test he conducted secretly on Todd and MWS… David seems to also provide pertinent data to enlighten everybody on the Tale of Two Todds… Nate has to deal with an angry Nora about hitting Matthew… Nora relays the latest huge deal to Bo… Vimal gives Brody a serious heads-up, sending the cop into a tailspin.
    Tony Marino
    Tony Marino
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    Scoops & Spoilers Empty Re: Scoops & Spoilers

    Post by Tony Marino Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:24 pm

    thanks Chris.

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