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    Ok I have had enough of the Two Todds

    Tony Marino
    Tony Marino
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    Ok I have had enough of the Two Todds Empty Ok I have had enough of the Two Todds

    Post by Tony Marino Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:57 am

    They are dragging this out way too long. I am sick of watching he said and he says and he said this whole storyline is just plain stupid and ridiculous. Re-instate RH, as the real Todd, make me barf and lets get on with the show.

    Chamber Admin.
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    Ok I have had enough of the Two Todds Empty Re: Ok I have had enough of the Two Todds

    Post by Chris Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:01 am

    I agree. The show is playing with me, and I'm not at all interested. Don't try and drag this out until network cancellation. End this before the summer is up, please.
    …is a Chamber Royal.
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    Ok I have had enough of the Two Todds Empty Re: Ok I have had enough of the Two Todds

    Post by TSJFan4Ever Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:31 pm

    They lost me the minute RH appeared on the screen. THey should have done what GH did and brought him back as a totally different character. RH doesn't have the ability to portray TOdd anymore. Trevor has made Todd to complex and multi-layered, rather than a one-dimensional, stilted robot, which is how RH is playing his character.

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    Ok I have had enough of the Two Todds Empty Re: Ok I have had enough of the Two Todds

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