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    Dental question for everyone

    The Book Chamber
    The Book Chamber

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    Dental question for everyone Empty Dental question for everyone

    Post by Supernova Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:00 pm

    Hopefully somebody will have some insight to this. I have 4 fillings, two of which were bonded over so they look like real teeth, and the other two were not and are plain metal fillings that from a distance look like my teeth are rotted. My sinuses have been horrible lately with this cold and the two metal fillings have been EXCRUCIATING, every time I jerk, I move, I shake my head, AGONIZING PAIN in those two teeth, but NOTHING from the bonded teeth. I'm considering having my dentist take these two out and replace them with bonded fillings under the presumption that if they're bonded, they won't hurt when my sinuses get going...but my mother said I needed to think about it for a while incase it would turn out to not work and then it's a waste of my money. I've considered calling tomorrow to ask but I'm not sure what the odds are they're going to know anything about that, but does anyone here have any idea if it would work or not?
    Alan Smithee
    Alan Smithee a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    Dental question for everyone Empty Re: Dental question for everyone

    Post by Alan Smithee Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:07 pm

    Sorry you're in pain but I don't know anything about bonded fillings. I don't know if they were invented the last time I had a cavity filled. I would have to be in a lot of pain before I paid for elective anything without insurance.
    Shale a Chamber Royal. a Chamber Royal.

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    Dental question for everyone Empty Re: Dental question for everyone

    Post by Shale Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:20 am

    Assuming you are talking about upper teeth, it could have nothing to do with fillings as an infection under the tooth that is responding to pressure from the sinuses. I once had such a tooth tied in with sinus pressure. It didn't hurt, but I was aware of it ever time I took a step with the leg on that side. The pressure would register.
    Chamber Admin.
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    Dental question for everyone Empty Re: Dental question for everyone

    Post by Chris Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:24 am

    Alan Smithee wrote:Sorry you're in pain but I don't know anything about bonded fillings. I don't know if they were invented the last time I had a cavity filled. I would have to be in a lot of pain before I paid for elective anything without insurance.

    Call me cheap, but I'd have to be near death or on the verge of passing out before I paid out of pocket for something medical. I don't particularly care for payment of insurance premiums, but they're a must.

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