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    Multiple children from different mothers/fathers

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    Multiple children from different mothers/fathers Empty Multiple children from different mothers/fathers

    Post by Chris Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:47 am

    Would you be leery of becoming involved with someone who had three or four children, and all of them had a different mother/father? A friend of mine is in the 'talking' stage of dating this woman who has four kids by three different men. I don't want to rain on his parade, but another of our friends had less trouble being blunt about how suspect this seemingly makes her character.
    Alan Smithee
    Alan Smithee a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    Multiple children from different mothers/fathers Empty Re: Multiple children from different mothers/fathers

    Post by Alan Smithee Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:02 am

    I'm not saying they should be stoned at the gates of the city but sorry. I don't think it speaks well of someone who has multiple children with multiple partners.
    Nystyle709 a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    Multiple children from different mothers/fathers Empty Re: Multiple children from different mothers/fathers

    Post by Nystyle709 Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:17 am

    Eh, I would be cautious, but it's not the big deal breaker. I guess it depends on the person. I actually dated a guy like that. We didn't work out, but it wasn't because of some baby mama drama.
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    Multiple children from different mothers/fathers Empty Re: Multiple children from different mothers/fathers

    Post by Nhaiyel Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:27 am

    I would be leery. Not saying that I wouldn't date a guy who had a handful of baby mama's, but (well, actually, I probably wouldn't if there were more than 3) I would be inclined to heavily scrutinize the situation to the point where it would probably collapse under the weight of my own cynicism.
    The Book Chamber
    The Book Chamber

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    Multiple children from different mothers/fathers Empty Re: Multiple children from different mothers/fathers

    Post by Supernova Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:06 pm

    My mother had four children by three different husbands and my father had another wife and two kids with her before he met my mother...when it's through marriage it's a little bit different but it's still a very confusing thing.

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