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    Scoops & Spoilers

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    Scoops & Spoilers Empty Scoops & Spoilers

    Post by Chris Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:05 am

    Scoops & Spoilers
    Previews for the week of 12-Sep-2011
    by Carol Banks Weber

    • Téa continues to walk around with a cloud over her head.

    • Shawn plays his voicemail, the one with Victor’s last message on it, so John can gain further perspective on this murder case.

    • Jack listens in as Shawn updates Starr on Victor’s latest murder mystery.

    • Jack concludes that Todd had to have done Victor in.

    • At first sight, Natalie hates on Todd.

    • Todd earnestly speaks up for his innocence and in doing whatever it takes to prove it, when speaking with Natalie. The two get along for once.

    • Todd has to bring up how much he has to be there for Jack before Natalie will give a little and not be such a bitch.

    • Unfortunately, Natalie gets Todd up to speed on Jack’s shenanigans with Shane, the bullying, and the accidental carbon monoxide poisoning of Shane’s mom, Gigi.

    • Todd becomes even more fixated on saving Jack from himself after hearing about the bullying.

    • Natalie instills fear, panic, and loathing in Brody when she voices aloud her belief that Todd mightn’t have pulled the trigger after all.

    • Todd lets Blair in on what’s going on with him.

    • Blair probes Tomas for all he knows about Victor’s violent demise.

    • Tomas has been sitting on a minefield of leads. He lets it slip with Blair.

    • Starr works (ineffectively) on Jack to let up on Todd a little.

    • Nate wins significant points with Dani, by extending her every courtesy.

    • James does what he can to make Starr feel less bereft.

    • James goes out of his way to ease little Sam’s confusion, loss and sadness about his daddy dying.

    • Jessica babysits Sam, without being obvious.

    • Shawn catches sight of Jack picking up the phone and trying to notify the cops about something.

    • Jack rats Todd out to the cops for gunning down Victor, based on his understanding of past events.

    • John and Bo shoot holes into the likelihood Todd’s the one, despite Jack’s convincing arguments.

    • Blair finds she must assist a despairing Téa prior to Victor’s memorial service. The poor widow can’t even put her own clothes on.

    • Victor’s memorial service just about takes it out of Téa and Dani.

    • At Victor’s memorial service, Téa swears she just spotted Victor out of the corner of her eye. But that can’t be…

    • Téa flees from the burial part to compose herself in a church.

    • Téa crosses paths with Todd after the memorial service.

    • Jack beats the drum for Dani to hate Todd for killing their dad too.

    • Beside Victor’s freshly dug grave, Todd tries again to reach Jack, but things take a turn for the worse.

    • Cops converge on Jack and Todd for a bust. Todd?

    • Roxy and Echo try to get a hold of the gun Rex was stroking. It seems to be lodged inside a porcupine.

    • Aubrey and Cutter stumble on Rex’s gun in short order. Cutter smells an opp. This spurs a debate between them.

    • Aubrey gets Cutter to go along with the plan to be a good boy, hand Rex’s gun over to the cops.

    • Secretly, Cutter plans to keep Rex’s gun, for safe measure.

    • Mayor Finn rushes the cops into busting a suspect now in Victor’s murder mystery, out of political expediency.

    • Brody can’t manage to shake Cutter off his game.

    • Before Shawn can unknowingly give Brody a heads-up on the latest findings on Victor’s case, Rex walks in with his own agenda.

    • Rex puts Shawn through his paces, for some answers, or to fish around.

    • Rex and Shane are deep in a back and forth over the Jack drama, and Shane’s poised to spill what he knows, when Nora and Bo distract them with their entrance.

    • It is Echo’s opinion that Rex should make up with Clint.

    • Roxy and Echo go on a porcupine (really, a gun stuffed inside) hunt.

    • Roxy has no other option than to file a report on a missing porcupine by the name of Morris.

    • Roxy seeks out Madame Delphina for guidance.

    • Gigi’s spirit haunts Rex further, prompting him to go to extremes and rely on psychic Madame Delphina.

    • Rick (the same Rick who makes smut for a living) approaches Starr about making her music. Yeah right.

    • Starr tries not to throw up in her mouth a little at the thought of Rick, the porn king, doing her tune.

    • Yet Baz seems very amenable to Rick doing the Starr tune.

    • Behind closed doors, Baz assures Rick that he can get Starr on board.

    • Phylicia inquires of what recourse she has – with Nora the bulldog about Destiny’s pregnancy – with attorney at law, Téa.

    • Phylicia maybe doesn’t want to slug Nora as much, and Nora isn’t putting her big fat foot in her big fat mouth as much, closing in on Tuesday.

    • Destiny and Dani show they’re good friends to each other, when it counts. And it counts right now.

    • Shane and Rex react to news that Matthew unknowingly knocked up Destiny.

    • Destiny travels to Statesville Prison to see if her (dad) Greg can give her some doctorly good news about Matthew’s recovery, but he says something that throws her.

    • Destiny reports to Shawn of her travels to prison, so she could get a doctor’s opinion on the chances Matthew will snap out of it.

    • Clint says he’s agreeable to pitch in for this pal of Kim’s, but she won’t have it.

    • Viki fritzes about Kim making Clint do something he shouldn’t, then possibly getting nabbed by the cops for it.

    • Viki and Clint… cozy.

    • Cutter feels nervous about Kim and Aubrey in the same room together.

    • Cutter blurts out a fib to Aubrey.

    • Kim gloms onto info about Cutter having Rex’s gun. Naturally, she does something about it.

    • When Kim slips into Cutter’s room to grab Morris (and the gun inside), she turns to deal with Echo.

    • Cutter puts up a wall on Kim’s next con.

    • Roxy takes up a matter with Cutter.

    • Echo and Kim make each other’s acquaintance, recognizing their similar connection to Clint.

    • Remember the gun? Kim and Echo shake on it, for Rex’s best interest.

    • Kim relents on Rex’s gun, provided Echo do something for her.

    • Rex happens by just as Clint mutters into his phone, gathering that this is Gigi’s endgame.

    • Rex ponders the chances that all of this Gigi stuff will be over once he figures out who that buddy is Kim’s got stashed up in a Kentucky hospital.

    • Clint also would like to unearth the deal with Kim’s pal.

    • Clint and Rex align themselves to get to the bottom of Kim’s mysterious pal needing so much help.

    • Next week: Todd clashes with the mother from hell, Irene… Now, Todd really requires Delgado as his counsel… Blair means to provoke Jack into ‘fessing up… Blair conveys to Starr a terrible outcome… Brody has the balls to ask Natalie to be his bitch for life (marriage)… Roxy inquires of John as to whether he still has the hots for Natalie… A certain character hits paydirt on who Kim’s been hiding in that Kentucky hospital.

      Current date/time is Sun Sep 22, 2024 2:22 am