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    Scoops & Spoilers

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    Scoops & Spoilers Empty Scoops & Spoilers

    Post by Chris Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:11 pm

    Scoops & Spoilers
    Previews for the week of 19-Dec-2011
    by Carol Banks Weber

    • In a special December 19th episode, Roxy dreams she is the Erika Slezak (Viki, OLTL) of Fraternity Row, aka Lorraine. In this parallel, dream universe, she’s married to David and has a maid (Viki) and butler (Clint).

    • Nothing’s wrong with Téa or her baby with Victor, after all, whew.

    • John makes sure Téa is taken care of after the hospital run.

    • John and Téa put their heads together, brainstorming about ways to nail Todd when — speak of the devil!

    • Todd waltzs in, triggering a hell-raising shriek of hatred from Téa.

    • Téa’s verbally violent and loud outburst scares the hell out of Todd.

    • Téa can’t handle Todd trying to wheedle his way into Dani’s life, and is about to blow.

    • John stifles Téa’s second violent outburst—reminding her of the baby she’s putting in jeopardy with the stress.

    • John begs Téa to avoid Todd, because if she doesn’t she’s liable to ruin their hush-hush investigation.

    • Dani upsets Téa by asking Todd over for Christmas Eve.

    • Victor’s Christmas gifts send Dani spiraling into sadness.

    • For Christmas Eve, Todd gets to be around Blair and the children.

    • Todd’s starting to win Jack over, too.

    • Blair updates Todd on what happened with Echo/Santa.

    • Todd uses blackmail to get Jack to budge even a little: Todd will report Jack to the cops for The Sun arson unless Jack’s nicer.

    • Jack requests Todd join the family for Christmas Eve.

    • Todd can’t wait to take his life — with his family — back, just in time for Christmas. But it’s hard for him to ignore that it’s all going to come crashing down around him, since he killed Victor and set up Tomas.

    • Irene rains down guilt on Todd, reminding him of all he has to lose if the truth scurries out.

    • Everybody who’s ever known Gigi in the last five years converges in Paris, TX to fondly remember her.

    • Gigi who still thinks she’s Stacy awakens, safely ensconced in Cutter’s beefy arms.

    • Gigi/Stacy goes to the Bon Jour Café, where she’s heartened to see everybody she loves congregating there.

    • Let the pie contest commence! Recognize the pie contest judge? This character is a descendent of Professor Del Fina, the one who enabled Gigi and Rex to time-travel.

    • Once the pie contest ends, Llanview people try to board planes back home. Only trouble is, gee whiz, all flights are overbooked. So Rex has to cool his jets, waiting for the next available.

    • At this point, Rex and the woman he believes to be con artist Stacy meet.

    • Believing her to be Stacy, Rex reviles her.

    • But Stacy, really Gigi, tries to get Rex to believe that she has no memory of any of it.

    • Cutter can’t continue watching Gigi get raked over the coals by Rex.

    • Cutter stops with the jive talking and comes clean: pointing Gigi out to Rex. Gigi, not Stacy.

    • Everything comes out about Stacy/Gigi right about now.

    • Gigi’s jaw drops as she tries to absorb what Cutter’s saying about her.

    • Rex calls Cutter a liar and decks him.

    • Stacy/Gigi goes to Cutter to make sure he’s okay.

    • Rex yells at Stacy that she and Cutter are terrible people cut from the same stinky cloth.

    • Rex enlightens Stacy about Cutter’s murderous past.

    • Frustration overcomes Stacy, who tries like hell to remember something to prove she’s Gigi or not.

    • Professor Del Fina comes upon the scene just in time to clear the air. Maybe Rex will believe Del Fina.

    • Shane actually makes the earlier flight back to Llanivew, where he heads home and sees Aubrey decorating the place for the holidays.

    • Aubrey says all the right words to Shane, stuff like, she understands her place, she’s never going to be Gigi and will never try to be.

    • Shane discloses a confidence to Aubrey: his plans to nail Jack for Gigi’s murder.

    • Aubrey alerts Rama to take extra-special care of Neela right now, without giving Shane away.

    • Shane nags Neela to hurry up and do her part to get Jack to indict himself on tape.

    • Jack courts Neela, pulling out all the stops and inadvertently risking betrayal.

    • Jack and Neela kiss, which unlocks his secrets and which she secretly records for Shane.

    • Jack asks for and receives Neela’s promise to be trustworthy, which gives him the courage to spill his guts about accidentally causing Gigi’s death.

    • Shane envisions handing Jack over to the proper authorities in an airtight case for the murder of Gigi—as the perfect holiday gift to his dad, Rex.

    • Shane gets a chance to hear Jack practically admit to everything on tape, as Neela sadly, slowly hits play.

    • Shane goes to summon Detective John McBain to deal with this confession, as Neela protests no.

    • Watch Jack get treated like a criminal as cops take him in for processing as Gigi’s killer.

    • Clint selects who he loves more, Kim or Viki—not an easy task.

    • Kim tries to tip the scales in her favor by smooching on Clint… JUST as Viki steps through the threshold.

    • Viki assumes Kim won Clint, turns to go, and flees—straight into David’s arms.

    • David uplifts a downtrodden Viki, who doesn’t know that Clint loves her best.

    • Clint confides in Natalie about his drama with Viki.

    • Natalie, in turn, confides in Clint about her drama with John.

    • Natalie tells Clint that maybe she should have that talk with John after Jessica said some sound things.

    • Téa attempts to cajole John into opening up more about Natalie.

    • Natalie walks in on John and Téa, seemingly in the throes of a clinch.

    • Natalie and John prepare to go over the nuts and bolts of what’s going on with them, Part II.

    • Clint rejects Kim for Viki. He has Kim leave. Kim has no other choice but to slink back to where she came from.

    • David takes care of a crestfallen Kim.

    • Clint relays his rejection of Kim for Viki to Jessica.

    • While Clint talks up his love for Viki to Jessica, Natalie boosts Clint to Viki.

    • John comes bearing a gift for his baby boy.

    • Dani and Nate get closer as a couple.

    • Next week: The Todd-and-Blair love story resumes full force—while the sham lasts… Shane and Gigi meet for real this time… Gigi and Shane have a day of reckoning with Jack… Shane gloats, after getting everything he ever wanted… Todd targets Neela for payback after what she did to his son Jack… Téa gets in John’s face over arresting and punishing Jack for the death of Stacy… John and Natalie gape at the girl who looks like and says she is Gigi… Who will get married this week? Clint and Viki? John and Natalie? Rex and Gigi? Stay tuned… Starr checks in on Rick, still at the hospital… That’s the night that the lights went out in Llanview, uh huh.
    Tony Marino
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    Scoops & Spoilers Empty Re: Scoops & Spoilers

    Post by Tony Marino Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:12 pm

    Thanks Chris.

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