comments section is alive on this one, and full of a bunch of sorry ass excuses. Oh 10 year olds can't understand WHY it's wrong to kill people, their little brains aren't developed enough for that comprehension yet. Oh children are not as bright as we think they are. Oh 13 year olds know so much more stuff that would just baffle a 12 year old, blah blah blah. Are people serious?
Okay, raise your hand if you were a 10 year old child:
Now, raise your hand if ever in your childhood you ever had a temper tantrum:
Okay, now raise your hand if when you were 10 years old you killed somebody because you were too young to figure out that cold blooded murder is wrong:
Yeah, you know what? If that
was true, the majority of 10 year olds would be murderers, not the minority. But since most 10 year olds are NOT killers then I guess that means they have a very GOOD understanding of murder is wrong and don't do it. Wouldn't you just love to see how THOSE people raise their kids if they honestly believed that?