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Hyacinth Girl
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    Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion?

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    Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion? Empty Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion?

    Post by Chris Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:50 pm

    If you a co-worker of yours complained that your favorite fragrance irritated their sinuses, would you stop wearing it?
    Jason B.
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    Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion? Empty Re: Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion?

    Post by Jason B. Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:50 pm

    I probably wouldn't stop wearing it, but I might go easier on the application. Depends on how much I like them.
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    Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion? Empty Re: Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion?

    Post by Bluesmama Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:55 pm

    No. I may wear a little less or even stop wearing a particular scent if it affected somebody. But I wouldn't stop altogether ~ it's too much a part of me, been wearing it for 45 years.
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    Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion? Empty Re: Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion?

    Post by RobbieFTW Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:14 pm

    Doubt it. If my cologne irritates their nose that much, then dont hover over me.
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    Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion? Empty Re: Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion?

    Post by Nystyle709 Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:56 pm

    RobbieFTW wrote:Doubt it. If my cologne irritates their nose that much, then dont hover over me.

    Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion? 35166

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    Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion? Empty Re: Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion?

    Post by FireIce918 Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:10 am

    Hell no. Don't really like them that much to bend even just a little bit.
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    Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion? Empty Re: Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion?

    Post by Kral Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:17 am

    No I wouldn't and plus I don't over douse myself in perfume so I can't imagine my fragrances being THAT much of a bother to anyone who wasn't just being anal retentive.
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    Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion? Empty Re: Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion?

    Post by Shale Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:32 am

    Wow, must be nice to own the business and not have an HR dept.

    If your co-worker, is put off by your overpowering chemicals, they may have a right to force you not to wear it on clean air grounds. It is a workplace not your social environment.

    And, ppl don't always need to 'hover' to smell some of the overdoused chemical fragrances that some wear. I have a couple of co-workers who I can smell coming down the hall. I just suffer them for the few moments they are in my office, but it could not be an all day assault on my lungs. I would first let them know they were polluting the air I had to breath and if they did not correct it I would go to human resources to resolve the workplace conflict. I might even check out OSHA to see what the regs are on overpowering chemicals in the air.

    OH, and if you think you don't use too much you might want to get an objective opinion. There is a thing called anosmia, where you get used to an odor and don't smell it any more. That is why garbage truck workers can stand to be by that nasty thing in the summer when you gag just passing it in your car.
    Hyacinth Girl
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    Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion? Empty Re: Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion?

    Post by Hyacinth Girl Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:27 am

    Shale wrote:Wow, must be nice to own the business and not have an HR dept.

    If your co-worker, is put off by your overpowering chemicals, they may have a right to force you not to wear it on clean air grounds. It is a workplace not your social environment.

    And, ppl don't always need to 'hover' to smell some of the overdoused chemical fragrances that some wear. I have a couple of co-workers who I can smell coming down the hall. I just suffer them for the few moments they are in my office, but it could not be an all day assault on my lungs. I would first let them know they were polluting the air I had to breath and if they did not correct it I would go to human resources to resolve the workplace conflict. I might even check out OSHA to see what the regs are on overpowering chemicals in the air.

    OH, and if you think you don't use too much you might want to get an objective opinion. There is a thing called anosmia, where you get used to an odor and don't smell it any more. That is why garbage truck workers can stand to be by that nasty thing in the summer when you gag just passing it in your car.

    And don't forget the whole "Sexual Harrassment" bit, if you do hover enough to be able to smell it---in addition to the clean air-edict. Someone is sure to misinterpret the hovering as "hitting on". . .

    Garbage truck workers=akin to why a skunk can't smell itself.

    (and I can't really say for myself what I'd do, because I don't ever wear perfume--it sends me into sneezing fits!)
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    Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion? Empty Re: Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion?

    Post by Tony Marino Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:29 pm

    I don't wear fragrances to work very often so I have no problem there.
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    Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion? Empty Re: Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion?

    Post by Suzi Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:10 pm

    I'm allergic to most perfumes I remember being on a plane once where I was not allowed to smoke (as I did then still smoke), but the woman in the seat in front of me had bathed in perfume! My throat was raw, my eyes watered, and my nose ran but she could legally make me sick and I couldn't smoke. Here in BC many hospitals and drs offices in fact ask people not to wear perfume because they have workers who like me are allergic. Obviously since I try to keep every thing in my house unscented I wouldn't be wearing perfume in the first place.
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    Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion? Empty Re: Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion?

    Post by wants2laugh Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:17 pm

    yeah suzi... here medical workers are not permitted to wear perfumes for allergy reasons.

    I would have no trouble not wearing it---- although I would love to see someone in management come and tell one of my coworkers not to wear it! LOL There would be an all out war... I could just see it now, OSHA, the ACLU, EEO officers, news crews all over.
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    Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion? Empty Re: Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion?

    Post by Cheaps Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:10 am

    Kral wrote:No I wouldn't and plus I don't over douse myself in perfume so I can't imagine my fragrances being THAT much of a bother to anyone who wasn't just being anal retentive.


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    Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion? Empty Re: Would you stop applying perfume/cologne if you knew that it negatively impacted a coworker's congestion?

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