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    Could you be involved with someone who was a big flirt?

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    Could you be involved with someone who was a big flirt? Empty Could you be involved with someone who was a big flirt?

    Post by Chris Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:02 am

    How well could you tolerate being in a relationship with someone who regularly (and heavily) flirted with others?
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    Could you be involved with someone who was a big flirt? Empty Re: Could you be involved with someone who was a big flirt?

    Post by CeCe Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:09 am

    Can't really say because I've never been in that situation but I'd hope there would be enough trust there for it to not bother me.
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    Could you be involved with someone who was a big flirt? Empty Re: Could you be involved with someone who was a big flirt?

    Post by Cheaps Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:39 am

    I probably wouldn't like it, and it would get old after awhile.
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    Could you be involved with someone who was a big flirt? Empty Re: Could you be involved with someone who was a big flirt?

    Post by Impact Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:30 am

    It would get on my nerves and eventually there'd be a problem.
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    Could you be involved with someone who was a big flirt? Empty Re: Could you be involved with someone who was a big flirt?

    Post by Nystyle709 Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:56 pm

    I flirt, but I would have more respect to not do it in front of him. I would hope he'd have the same. Dont let me see u be extra with it.
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    Could you be involved with someone who was a big flirt? Empty Re: Could you be involved with someone who was a big flirt?

    Post by RedBedroom Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:32 pm

    I have never had a boyfriend who was a big flirt. If I was, I would hope he just innocently flirts and it doesn't border on the "I would love to screw you" type flirting. That would be a relationship ender if he took it too far.
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    Could you be involved with someone who was a big flirt? Empty Re: Could you be involved with someone who was a big flirt?

    Post by FireIce918 Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:21 am

    I'M the flirt. My ex hated it lol. I told him once to stfu and enjoy the freebies.

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    Could you be involved with someone who was a big flirt? Empty Re: Could you be involved with someone who was a big flirt?

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