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    Do not call me by my color

    Tony Marino
    Tony Marino
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    Do not call me by my color Empty Do not call me by my color

    Post by Tony Marino Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:18 am

    I would like to know of a better way to address someone in their absence. Let me give an example: It annoys the crap out of me when people say that white girl or that black guy or that Hispanic woman. Why do we have to mention someone by the color of their skin or ethnicity? We are all human and we are the SAME people, every where. I am glad to post this query here. Hope someone can give me some ideas.
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    Do not call me by my color Empty Re: Do not call me by my color

    Post by RedBedroom Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:28 am

    I try to avoid that using descriptives about the person being described such as job duties, hair style or something to that effect. But it seems people follow up with, "Oh, you mean the Black woman..." or something to do with the race of the person if they are not the same as the majority.

    I agree with you Tony. It is a wrong way to describe a person by using race. Around here the population is mostly white, so if someone is a minority that is their lable for sure and it's just not right.

    Chamber Admin.
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    Do not call me by my color Empty Re: Do not call me by my color

    Post by Chris Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:40 pm

    Even though I am sometimes guilty of this, I still agree. If said person is standing over there in a corner, or wearing a red shirt, then why not just say: 'that guy over there in the corner,' or 'that woman in the red shirt?' It usually isn't necessary to point someone out by their skin color, but skin color is usually the most obvious thing about someone; especially if they're in a mixed group. So, yeah.
    Shale a Chamber Royal. a Chamber Royal.

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    Do not call me by my color Empty Re: Do not call me by my color

    Post by Shale Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:53 pm

    While differentiating ppl by race or ethnicity is considered by some to be politically incorrect, it is a fact of appearance and a good descriptive when you have to differentiate for some reason.

    Do you like red grapes or white. Rye bread or wheat bread? Chocolate, Vanilla or Caramelo?

    I once took The Miami Herald to task for describing the perp in a hit & run fatal car crash (are there any other kind here in Miami?) for describing what the guy's height, weight, apparent age, what he was wearing and even the fact of his day-growth whiskers but failed to mention whether the perp was white, black or Hispanic. They agreed that they failed to give a proper, usable description by omitting that info.

    Racial & ethnic differences are a fact of life. No need to be afraid to acknowledge that.

    Shale, the Polar Bear who's into Chocolate & Caramelo.
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    Do not call me by my color Empty Re: Do not call me by my color

    Post by Nystyle709 Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:16 am

    Depends on how its being said. Skin color is the most obvious when describing someone.

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