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    What's More Important: Freedom or Safety?

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    Question What's More Important: Freedom or Safety?

    Post by Marc™ Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:42 pm

    In light of the Colorado massacre, what do you think is more important....the freedom to carry a firearm or the safety from them (even if it means restriction of those rights?)
    Alan Smithee
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    Question Re: What's More Important: Freedom or Safety?

    Post by Alan Smithee Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:14 pm

    I'm with Franklin on this. The quote has been paraphrased different ways but basically,
    "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    The Book Chamber
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    Question Re: What's More Important: Freedom or Safety?

    Post by Supernova Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:52 pm

    Alan Smithee wrote:I'm with Franklin on this. The quote has been paraphrased different ways but basically,
    "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

    Bingo, it's the same thing with TSA and the Patriot Act and all of that. People are willing to throw away every freedom they have just so they can delude themselves into thinking they're safer that way. What's the point in life if Big Brother runs it for you?

    Besides, everybody knows that there is NO safety from firearms because if you outlaw them then every criminal and his brother will have 10 of them against a whole, unarmed, sitting duck nation. If a criminal is intent on getting and using a gun, they will if the law says they can or not, hence why we call them CRIMINALS.
    Forgiveness Man
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    Question Re: What's More Important: Freedom or Safety?

    Post by Forgiveness Man Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:31 pm

    I concur with the sentiment that sacrificing freedom for safety gets you neither. Murder is outlawed. Murderers still murder. Outlaw guns, and crooks will still get them. They always do. Acting like changing the law is going to make a dime's worth of difference in preventing mass shootings like what happened in Aurora is just plain naivety.
    The Book Chamber
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    Question Re: What's More Important: Freedom or Safety?

    Post by Supernova Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:40 pm

    Forgiveness Man wrote:I concur with the sentiment that sacrificing freedom for safety gets you neither. Murder is outlawed. Murderers still murder. Outlaw guns, and crooks will still get them. They always do. Acting like changing the law is going to make a dime's worth of difference in preventing mass shootings like what happened in Aurora is just plain naivety.

    Also I would like to point out, people are discussing if theaters should get metal detectors in light of what's happened. I want somebody to tell me what the point is because this guy did NOT go through the front entrance and buy a ticket, he sneaked in through the fire exit in the back. Installing metal detectors is not going to do one damn bit of good against preventing this from happening again.
    Forgiveness Man
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    Question Re: What's More Important: Freedom or Safety?

    Post by Forgiveness Man Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:50 pm

    Honestly, I think people are looking to hard to shift blame away from this guy. Look, HE chose to do this. He should get the blame for it. At worst, the only other person/people who could possibly merit blame would be if somebody he knew saw this coming and did nothing, but we can't really say for sure about that (we can speculate, but what good is that?). So ultimately, I blame this guy for his own actions. Not blaming political organizations, guns, lack of metal detectors, or college, or whatever. I blame him.
    Nystyle709 a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    Question Re: What's More Important: Freedom or Safety?

    Post by Nystyle709 Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:50 pm

    Marc™ wrote:In light of the Colorado massacre, what do you think is more important....the freedom to carry a firearm or the safety from them (even if it means restriction of those rights?)

    When they wrote the Constitution, I'm sure they didn't have in mind that two hundred some odd years later, there would be demonic human beings who use semi-automatic assault rifles to slaughter other human being in a senseless murder. It's one thing that they even build such weapons, but to allow a regular Joe to even obtain one? And then you want to hide behind the 2nd amendment in defense of that? Fuck the right to bear arms. He shouldn't have had it, point blank. I mean, this guy legally bought six thousand fucking rounds of ammunition. A mere civilian. And that didn't raise any red flags with anyone. It's obvious he wasn't going to hunt no damn deer. It takes tragedy on this scale to bring about real change. Something's gotta give. Gun laws in this country HAVE to change. You have to do something to prevent the weapons that this guy used from getting in the hands of deranged individuals like this.
    The Book Chamber
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    Question Re: What's More Important: Freedom or Safety?

    Post by Supernova Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:20 pm

    Nystyle709 wrote:

    When they wrote the Constitution, I'm sure they didn't have in mind that two hundred some odd years later, there would be demonic human beings who use semi-automatic assault rifles to slaughter other human being in a senseless murder. It's one thing that they even build such weapons, but to allow a regular Joe to even obtain one? And then you want to hide behind the 2nd amendment in defense of that? Fuck the right to bear arms. He shouldn't have had it, point blank. I mean, this guy legally bought six thousand fucking rounds of ammunition. A mere civilian. And that didn't raise any red flags with anyone. It's obvious he wasn't going to hunt no damn deer. It takes tragedy on this scale to bring about real change. Something's gotta give. Gun laws in this country HAVE to change. You have to do something to prevent the weapons that this guy used from getting in the hands of deranged individuals like this.

    Change the gun laws and the only thing that is going to effect is the law abiding civilians getting them. Criminals are called criminals for a reason. If you can buy and sell people into trafficking rings, even though that's illegal, guns and ammo aren't going to be any problem because they don't come with birth certificates, fingerprints, one of a kind DNA or families who can identify them.
    Nystyle709 a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    Question Re: What's More Important: Freedom or Safety?

    Post by Nystyle709 Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:27 pm

    Supernova wrote:

    Change the gun laws and the only thing that is going to effect is the law abiding civilians getting them.

    So you're saying gun laws don't need to be changed and potentially have ANOTHER massacre (prob. one who's a copycat) occur? LOL. What would a "law abiding" citizen need with a semi-automatic assault rifle? What would a "law abiding citizen" need with six thousand rounds of ammunition? Why would a "law abiding citizen" need permission to carry a concealed weapon everywhere he/she went? Want to bear arms? Go to Wal-Mart and buy and get you a nice little hunting rifle. You can get them for about $100 I think.

    Criminals are called criminals for a reason.

    So we should make easier for them to be criminals, huh? LOL.


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