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    From the crazy criminals in Fl: They want to floss!

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    From the crazy criminals in Fl: They want to floss! Empty From the crazy criminals in Fl: They want to floss!

    Post by RedBedroom Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:07 pm

    Should inmates be allowed to follow dentists' recommendations and floss daily?

    WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., Oct. 18 (UPI) -- A Florida sheriff said jail inmates will not be supplied with dental floss, despite four lawsuits filed by inmates.

    Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said he will not give in on the issue, despite four lawsuits from inmates who want floss to be available in the jail commissary and are seeking damages for "pain and suffering," the South Florida Sun Sentinel reported Thursday.

    "I don't care if they file 400 suits, they're not getting it," Bradshaw said. "You're not the mayor. This isn't the Ritz-Carlton."

    Bradshaw said dental floss is not allowed in the jail because it can be easily turned into a weapon or a rope.

    "We're not going to give them something that could easily be turned into something else," he said.

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    From the crazy criminals in Fl: They want to floss! Empty Re: From the crazy criminals in Fl: They want to floss!

    Post by Shale Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:18 pm

    The sheriff's point is valid, but he should look for a compromise to get safe floss available. I was thinking of those little floss plastic thing with the pointed pick removed.

    What do they do about toothbrushes which are the prime tool for making a shank. I know they don't have spray deodorant but stick is a good substitute.

    You can blow off a lawsuit, but if it wins in court you cannot just blow off a judicial order or you might be joining the inmates in their demand from jail.

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    From the crazy criminals in Fl: They want to floss! Empty Re: From the crazy criminals in Fl: They want to floss!

    Post by Nystyle709 Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:58 pm

    I dunno. It's not like they can't get dental care in jail. From the crazy criminals in Fl: They want to floss! 2517814472 They'll be alright with just brushing.
    Tony Marino
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    From the crazy criminals in Fl: They want to floss! Empty Re: From the crazy criminals in Fl: They want to floss!

    Post by Tony Marino Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:27 pm

    I agree with the Sheriff.

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    From the crazy criminals in Fl: They want to floss! Empty Re: From the crazy criminals in Fl: They want to floss!

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