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2 posters

    Saw this over at the GH board

    …is a Newbie.
    …is a Newbie.

    Join date : 2013-03-02
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    Saw this over at the GH board Empty Saw this over at the GH board

    Post by starrmaddie Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:58 am

    Not sure how all this stuff works over here, but I guess with time I'll figure it out.

    I saw this over at GH and thought I'd sign up. I've loved AMC since day 1 and was heartbroken when it ended. Not sure about watching it on the computer though - my computer is very slow and so even watch a you-tube video makes me crazy at times. We'll see how I feel about it after it starts.
    Chamber Admin.
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    Saw this over at the GH board Empty Re: Saw this over at the GH board

    Post by Chris Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:00 am


    Welcome to the Chamber. If you have any questions or need a tour guide, let me know and I'll be happy to assist! Smile

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