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    What's the oldest man/woman you'd consider for a romantic relationship?

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    What's the oldest man/woman you'd consider for a romantic relationship? Empty What's the oldest man/woman you'd consider for a romantic relationship?

    Post by BlackPantherGod Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:48 am

    I've tried going out with men in their late 40s and early 50s, and I've never had any success, so I think the oldest I'd go would be early-to-mid-30s.

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    What's the oldest man/woman you'd consider for a romantic relationship? Empty Re: What's the oldest man/woman you'd consider for a romantic relationship?

    Post by MandyPerfumeGirl Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:14 pm

    I think men of almost all ages are attractive. I'm less attracted to men my own age, so the oldest man I would go out with would be 70. By the way, I've also tried going out with men in their 40's and early 50's and I too have had no success, so I know what you're talking about! That's not to say a 70 year-old would bring me happiness - but you never know!
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    What's the oldest man/woman you'd consider for a romantic relationship? Empty Re: What's the oldest man/woman you'd consider for a romantic relationship?

    Post by Kral Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:45 pm

    The older I get the more openminded I become when it comes to dating age range. While I'm not out there trolling for daddies, I could possibly entertain the thought of dating someone twenty years my senior. Maybe.
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    What's the oldest man/woman you'd consider for a romantic relationship? Empty Re: What's the oldest man/woman you'd consider for a romantic relationship?

    Post by Chris Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:13 pm

    Late 40s.
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    What's the oldest man/woman you'd consider for a romantic relationship? Empty Re: What's the oldest man/woman you'd consider for a romantic relationship?

    Post by Nystyle709 Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:35 am

    Kral wrote:The older I get the more openminded I become when it comes to dating age range. While I'm not out there trolling for daddies, I could possibly entertain the thought of dating someone twenty years my senior. Maybe.

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    What's the oldest man/woman you'd consider for a romantic relationship? Empty Re: What's the oldest man/woman you'd consider for a romantic relationship?

    Post by RedBedroom Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:43 am

    I would only go 15 years older.

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    What's the oldest man/woman you'd consider for a romantic relationship? Empty Re: What's the oldest man/woman you'd consider for a romantic relationship?

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