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    Yesterday's show

    Tony Marino
    Tony Marino
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    Yesterday's show Empty Yesterday's show

    Post by Tony Marino Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:28 pm

    First off If I were Nate, I would wait Outside for the little shit Matthew and deck him one, Nate is 3 times his size and Matthew needs to be put in his place. Talking dosen't do any good so now its time for action.

    What happened to Brody? Whats with him beating Ford to an inch of his life for something he himself is guilty of??? When is he going to fess up to Jessica and then get his ass kicked by Johnny? Oh and I loved Langston in the background with all her snide vicious comments, why didnt Ford just tell her to get lost, she has been there 3 days already.

    Destiny, what is she Matthew's little pit bull?? Why didn't she come forward and tell the gym instructor that Matthew was the one that started it???????? Im getting very tired of Destiny.

    Dani.....Always in a state of whining, when does this girl ever have a happy face and talk without whining and screaming? She knows Ross is trouble why didn't she tell Todd about the text message she received? The girl is going to get what she deserves for being such a brat.

    Why didn't Nattie fess up to Jessica and tell her and Johnny that she had a one nighter with Brody and then the slate would be wiped clean. After all none of the 4 were attached to each other at the time so whats the big deal? Lying all this time to Johnny is only going to make him brood and be more angry at Nattie.

    Greg......What does he have a camera pinned to his body that this person messaging him can see his every move? He talks to Todd he gets a text, he talks to Marty he gets a text, maybe there is a camera in his bathroom too and he gets text messages telling him not to relieve himself just yet. What a stupid, storyline this is.

    There I have vented.
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    Post by aublack40 Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:11 pm

    A-freaking men! once a character gets in john's orbit they are doomed. just ask marty,cole,natalie and now brody! nate should have said you weren't man enough for her thats why she's with me. In fact you're not man enough for any girl i hear. Destiny needs to cut out the Nell Carter act. Dani you idiot,Tea only stayed with ross to give you deluded childhood and you are still making excuses for him. Natalie has always been a coward! Greg you missed your chance for forgiveness with Todd and should be more scared of him than Eli!!
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    Post by JeanMerc82 Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:16 pm

    co-signs clapping
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    Yesterday's show Empty Re: Yesterday's show

    Post by gmruss4 Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:47 pm

    And you are right about everything you said. I am sick of Matthew and you are so right, it is time Nate stop being a good guy and give Matthew what he deserves. He sure is begging for it.

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