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    Do you give out candy on Halloween?

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    Do you give out candy on Halloween? Empty Do you give out candy on Halloween?

    Post by Supernova Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:23 pm

    I hear a lot of people complain about trick-or-treaters coming to their doors. I don't get it, weren't all of these cheapos who turn off the lights and hide, kids who in their days went door to door getting candy? I know it was one of the highlights of my young life, going to all these different houses, listening to all the bells and knockers, seeing the decorations, and of course getting all the candy. So I love it on Halloween when we get them, and I wish we'd get more every year. When I was a kid, we'd see maybe 50 or 70 a night, last year we hit an all time high at about 30, years before that, it was 10, 15, 20, one year it was so cold we only got 1, and 300 packages of Sweetarts left over the next day eye roll

    How about everybody else? Do you buy the candy and turn on the porch lights or watch TV in the dark and pretend you're not home?
    Forgiveness Man
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    Do you give out candy on Halloween? Empty Re: Do you give out candy on Halloween?

    Post by Forgiveness Man Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:25 pm

    I don't give out candy and I never received it as a kid. (At least not from trick-or-treating)
    The Book Chamber
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    Do you give out candy on Halloween? Empty Re: Do you give out candy on Halloween?

    Post by Supernova Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:33 pm

    You never went?
    Forgiveness Man
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    Do you give out candy on Halloween? Empty Re: Do you give out candy on Halloween?

    Post by Forgiveness Man Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:58 pm

    Supernova wrote:You never went?
    Nope, not once. Still had more than my share of candy(and I don't mean we just bought it all. We just did different things). But yeah, I never once went trick-or-treating.
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    Do you give out candy on Halloween? Empty Re: Do you give out candy on Halloween?

    Post by Nystyle709 Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:07 pm

    For the most part, since I always buy it in case I'm home and someone knocks on my door. I don't advertise it though and I won't go out of my way to hand any out. And once it runs out, that's it. I'll nicely put a note up on my door telling the little kiddies not to bother knocking cause I don't have anything for 'em.
    The Book Chamber
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    Do you give out candy on Halloween? Empty Re: Do you give out candy on Halloween?

    Post by Supernova Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:10 am

    Oddly enough I don't think we ever had that problem. It seems no matter how many kids we would get, we always had candy left over, how much though was anybody's guess.
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    Do you give out candy on Halloween? Empty Re: Do you give out candy on Halloween?

    Post by AtownPeep Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:12 am

    If I'm out shopping and remember to grab some candy a week so before Halloween, then I'll do it. But I don't make it a priority. If I forget, I forget.
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    Do you give out candy on Halloween? Empty Re: Do you give out candy on Halloween?

    Post by Tony Marino Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:40 am

    I have to make over 100 bags of candy, the kids come in droves here. It gets annoying after awhile to keep having to jump up and answer the door.
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    Do you give out candy on Halloween? Empty Re: Do you give out candy on Halloween?

    Post by RedBedroom Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:07 am

    I am sure that when my son is older and out of the house, I will love handing out candy. But now, I have no desire to spend money on candy for the kids. They can get it from someone else!
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    Do you give out candy on Halloween? Empty Re: Do you give out candy on Halloween?

    Post by Shale Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:27 am

    When I was a kid we used to trick-or-treat but that was a more innocent time before pervs started putting needles in apples and poison in candy.

    I live in a city and there are a few kids that do participate in this tradition but I am one who turns off his lights and closes the blinds because I don't want the liability if some kid gets poisoned in the neighborhood with something that is similar to what I gave out. Actually I live in an apartment with a gate so there aren't many kids around anyway.

    It is just one of those traditions that has run its course in our modern world.

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    Do you give out candy on Halloween? Empty Re: Do you give out candy on Halloween?

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