So, what are your funny kid stories?
Tonight, I was home, peacefully blissful alone, as my son was at the Y with a friend (our Y has a Jr. High night every Friday) before a sleep over with said friend. Phone rang..and it was the Y...I was afraid of what I would hear.
Turned out, my son got a bloody nose while in a dancing thing at youth night at the Y. His face hit the wall...They had to call since it involved blood. After my speaking to him, and learning it was no big deal per his assessment, I asked to speak to the worker again. I told her that I wanted her to tell me if she felt like it was a big enough issue for me to pick him up and skip the planned sleepover.
She chuckled and said, "No, it is not big thing at all... He just needs to work on his dancing skills."
I don't know if it was relief or seeing the humor in it, but I laughed. A lot.