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    Who Done It? w/Abbott and Costello

    The Book Chamber
    The Book Chamber

    Join date : 2010-06-22
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    Who Done It? w/Abbott and Costello Empty Who Done It? w/Abbott and Costello

    Post by Supernova Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:55 pm

    Has anybody seen this movie? I got it in from the library a few days ago and it's not one of my favorite Abbott and Costello movies but it is funny-as-HELL! I had read about their watts/volts joke and told my brother it'll probably be like Who's on First, and during it Lou says to Bud 'next thing you'll be telling me What's on second!' and THEN, Lou wins a radio and turns it on and they're listening to the Who's on First joke and they start heckling the two guys doing it! ROFLMAO! Just TOO, too funny!

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