Mitch was presumed dead in the middle 80s after Dorian killed him. Okay, fine, that turned out to be not true. However, notice how in the flashbacks with he, Roxy and baby Rex, he's in prison. Also, moments after returning an infant Jessica to Llanfair, Allison was supposedly hit by a car and went into a very long coma. This Rex/Schuyler episode (which, yeah, is a complete do-over of the Jessica/Natalie storyline) contradicts history. Rex is supposed to be approximately three years younger than Natalie. Are we supposed to believe that while Mitch was secretly alive, he somehow landed in prison again? Even more unbelievable is how Allison was able to awake from her coma long enough to pull off another baby-switch, and then lapse back into the same coma that she had only just recently awoken from in 2001?
Man, Ron, you didn't bother to research this before you started it.