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    MySpace Loses 10 Million Users In One Month

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    MySpace Loses 10 Million Users In One Month Empty MySpace Loses 10 Million Users In One Month

    Post by Marc™ Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:01 am

    MySpace loses 10 million users in one month
    Posted by Devina Divecha on Sun 27 Mar 2011

    MySpace has lost 10 million unique users in the space of one month - between January and February 2011 - dropping down to 63 million members.

    Tech analyst ComScore reported that MySpace had 63 million users in February 2011, as compared to 73 million in January 2011.

    The social network slashed 500 jobs earlier this year and is seemingly unable to keep up with Facebook, which has been going strength ot strength with its network having half of UK's population as members. It's a sharp departure from when MySpace was the social network to keep in touch with friends and launch musical careers.

    Last year at the same time, MySpace was attracting 95 million unique users.

    Mike Jones, MySpace's chief executive said to The Telegraph at the end of 2010 that MySpace was no longer a social network and Facebook rival. He said, "MySpace is a not a social network anymore. It is now a social entertainment destination."

    Shale a Chamber Royal. a Chamber Royal.

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    MySpace Loses 10 Million Users In One Month Empty Re: MySpace Loses 10 Million Users In One Month

    Post by Shale Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:36 am

    Yeah, I finally jumped that sinking mess. Took me from November to just last week to get them to delete my Shale account.

    Some of those 500 lost employees must have been the prudes who used to delete my pics within five minutes of me uploading them (close up of me in a Bikini, one with my fly open showing a little pubic hair, two guys bare feet touching).

    What is funny is that for the last two months my profile pic was a closeup of my cock - they didn't delete the account or the pic.

    Then I started posting porn blogs. Still no one deleted the account.

    Finally, I reported my account, sent them a link to the blogs and the deleted the account for "violating terms of service." d-oh!

    For years it was fun flirting with the cute bare-chested boys on MySpace as Shale. Even connected to a couple IRL. But when they went to New MySpace, my computer slowed to dialup speed on that site alone. It was no longer fun. I still maintain a presence there as Rob but with just a few friends and family that I know - most of whom are also on Facebook.

    MySpace should have just followed the first Rule of Mechanics: "If it ain't broke - don't fix it."
    Tony Marino
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    MySpace Loses 10 Million Users In One Month Empty Re: MySpace Loses 10 Million Users In One Month

    Post by Tony Marino Mon Mar 28, 2011 10:35 am

    And the world has come to an end.......................
    Nystyle709 a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    MySpace Loses 10 Million Users In One Month Empty Re: MySpace Loses 10 Million Users In One Month

    Post by Nystyle709 Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:00 pm

    I haven't deleted my MySpace. Prob. won't bother to either. I just haven't checked in eons.

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