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    Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school?

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    Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school? Empty Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school?

    Post by Chris Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:05 am

    Are you still close to anyone you went to high school with?
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    Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school? Empty Re: Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school?

    Post by RobbieFTW Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:33 am

    Yeah one of my best friends is from HS. He's the only one though.
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    Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school? Empty Re: Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school?

    Post by Cheaps Wed Apr 13, 2011 10:20 am

    actually no, im not close to any of my friends from high school, grew apart, moved apart.
    Nystyle709 a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school? Empty Re: Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school?

    Post by Nystyle709 Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:53 pm

    cheaps wrote:actually no, im not close to any of my friends from high school, grew apart, moved apart.

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    Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school? Empty Re: Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school?

    Post by TSJFan4Ever Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:06 pm

    Yeah - I have a couple of friends I"m still close to.
    Shale a Chamber Royal. a Chamber Royal.

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    Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school? Empty Re: Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school?

    Post by Shale Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:57 am

    After almost 50 years, I have lost contact with all of them.

    Tho I did locate one friend here in Missouri who was on the Web.
    I may try to see him while I'm here if I can find the town he is in.
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    Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school? Empty Re: Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school?

    Post by Impact Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:08 am

    Nope. I only occasionally comment on some of their Facebook statuses.
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    Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school? Empty Re: Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school?

    Post by RedBedroom Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:06 pm

    One is still a very close friend today. I had another until this past December, when she came to visit, and it was not a good experience.
    Shale a Chamber Royal. a Chamber Royal.

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    Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school? Empty Re: Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school?

    Post by Shale Sat Apr 16, 2011 12:55 am

    Well, today I drove across Missouri and saw my HS friend Steve whom I haven't seen in half a century. We tapped into all our things we did in HS, plus covered where each of us have been. He is a professional fotografer and was in the Air Force like me (Not uncommon when young men were being drafted into the Army). His son is in his 40s and has a beard and long hair.

    It was a good visit.

    Oh, here's the changes in half a century.

    Steve Smith & Rob 1962
    Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school? 1962SteveSmithRobStAnntxt

    Steve Smith & Rob 2011

    Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school? 201115AprSteve-RobFentonMO-Web

    Last edited by Shale on Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:51 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : New Foto Link)
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    Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school? Empty Re: Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school?

    Post by RedBedroom Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:02 am

    Oh, my goodness, Shale what a cool time you had! That is just so cool, and if you write a story or essay about it all, I hope you share. That is just too cool that you two got a visit after so long.
    Alan Smithee
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    Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school? Empty Re: Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school?

    Post by Alan Smithee Sat Apr 16, 2011 5:00 am

    Yeah, Shale, I'm glad you had a good visit. Cool pics.

    I have one such friend that I've stayed in touch with. I've also reconnected with others within the past 10 years through a Yahoo group that one of them started for our H.S. class.
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    Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school? Empty Re: Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school?

    Post by sailorlover Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:15 am

    After 20 years, I have lost contract with most of them.

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    Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school? Empty Re: Do you still have close friends from when you were in high school?

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