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    What comes next for Marty?

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    What comes next for Marty? Empty What comes next for Marty?

    Post by SecHandNews Thu May 20, 2010 8:14 am

    Now that John is out of her life, where does she go from here?
    Tony Marino
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    What comes next for Marty? Empty Re: What comes next for Marty?

    Post by Tony Marino Thu May 20, 2010 1:48 pm

    Patrick is probably coming back for Marty. I hate to say it but been there seen that and I wish they would just take Marty in a new direction.
    Jason B.
    Jason B.
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    What comes next for Marty? Empty Re: What comes next for Marty?

    Post by Jason B. Fri May 21, 2010 1:47 pm

    I would hate for Patrick to come back. I think he was one of OLTL's all time worse characters. I hated that "Irish poet, plagued by mobsters" angle he brought to the show. It was the worse! But it's almost inevitable. That is if they plan to keep SH.
    Tony Marino
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    What comes next for Marty? Empty Re: What comes next for Marty?

    Post by Tony Marino Fri May 21, 2010 2:10 pm

    I liked Patrick in the beginning when he first came on the show. Then he took it over, he was on more than any other player, sort of like Johnny is now. When all the men of 21 bull started thats when I started wishing Patrick away. I would rather see Marty get involved in something else, with someone else. I still say her and Todd are electrical.
    Jason B.
    Jason B.
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    What comes next for Marty? Empty Re: What comes next for Marty?

    Post by Jason B. Sat May 22, 2010 4:41 pm

    Tony Marino wrote:I liked Patrick in the beginning when he first came on the show. Then he took it over, he was on more than any other player, sort of like Johnny is now. When all the men of 21 bull started thats when I started wishing Patrick away. I would rather see Marty get involved in something else, with someone else. I still say her and Todd are electrical.

    I think that Men of 21 things ranks up there with the Santi summer of misery as one of OLTL's all time worse storylines. SH and TK had good OS chemistry, but oddly enough that didn't stop their characters from being wretched together. It got even worse when Todd and Blair were caught up in their drama.
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    What comes next for Marty? Empty Re: What comes next for Marty?

    Post by stavdash Mon May 24, 2010 5:24 pm

    My guess is nothing. The show is not invested in anything Marty related, if it does not involve some leading man pimping her. With John now back with Marty, they will arbitrarily wrap up this "Who Pushed Marty?" story without much investment, and by fall Susan Haskell departing the show will likely be announced.

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    What comes next for Marty? Empty Re: What comes next for Marty?

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