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    Has any president ever been successful in aiding the homeless?

    Chamber Admin.
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    Has any president ever been successful in aiding the homeless? Empty Has any president ever been successful in aiding the homeless?

    Post by Chris Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:53 am

    Not so much talking about keeping people from becoming homeless, but rather getting those who already were off the street and back on their feet. Can any president claim to have made strides in doing this?
    Nystyle709 a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    Has any president ever been successful in aiding the homeless? Empty Re: Has any president ever been successful in aiding the homeless?

    Post by Nystyle709 Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:30 pm

    I dunno. I think FDR would be the closest one. He was the one responsible for the economy bouncing back from the Depression.
    Shale a Chamber Royal. a Chamber Royal.

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    Has any president ever been successful in aiding the homeless? Empty Re: Has any president ever been successful in aiding the homeless?

    Post by Shale Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:13 am

    Nystyle709 wrote:I dunno. I think FDR would be the closest one. He was the one responsible for the economy bouncing back from the Depression.

    Yeah, and I wish someone in Washington would start reading up on what he did, because we are about there again.

    Instead of hiring ppl just to keep them working and bringing home a paycheck, governments are cutting back and laying off workers who in turn will default on their mortgages, making the economy sink deeper into depression. Boondoggling was what FDR and the National Recovery Act did - why can't our politicians see what is happening and get ppl back to work. The rest of the economy will take care of itself if there are consumers with money.
    Chamber Admin.
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    Has any president ever been successful in aiding the homeless? Empty Re: Has any president ever been successful in aiding the homeless?

    Post by Chris Tue Jun 21, 2011 6:54 am

    Seems like a very backburnered issue.
    Forgiveness Man
    Forgiveness Man
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    Has any president ever been successful in aiding the homeless? Empty Re: Has any president ever been successful in aiding the homeless?

    Post by Forgiveness Man Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:36 am

    Nope and I think that's because a president can't do this. It's not the president's job to fix everything and usually trying to fix everything makes the problem worse. Sometimes the best thing a president can do is let others fix the problem when it comes to local issues.
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    Has any president ever been successful in aiding the homeless? Empty Re: Has any president ever been successful in aiding the homeless?

    Post by captainbryce Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:53 pm

    Chris wrote:Not so much talking about keeping people from becoming homeless, but rather getting those who already were off the street and back on their feet. Can any president claim to have made strides in doing this?
    I didn't realize that was part of the President's job description. The President's job is to maintain a stable economy to prevent people from becomming homeless and to ensure that all Americans have oppertunity. He is not charged with cleaning up the streets. If anything, that is the Mayor's job.

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    Has any president ever been successful in aiding the homeless? Empty Re: Has any president ever been successful in aiding the homeless?

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