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    2001 Space Odyssey

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    2001 Space Odyssey Empty 2001 Space Odyssey

    Post by Chris Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:27 am

    2001 Space Odyssey 2001Style_B

    Did you see this film (I haven't?) If so, what did you think of it?
    Alan Smithee
    Alan Smithee a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    2001 Space Odyssey Empty Re: 2001 Space Odyssey

    Post by Alan Smithee Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:04 am

    I enjoyed the movie and the book. Some people (like Rock Hudson) think it's an incomprehensible mess but it's really not that complicated.
    The Book Chamber
    The Book Chamber

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    2001 Space Odyssey Empty Re: 2001 Space Odyssey

    Post by Supernova Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:28 am

    I don't know how many times I have checked this movie out from the library but I have NEVER finished it, I can never seem to get past the half hour mark.
    Shale a Chamber Royal. a Chamber Royal.

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    2001 Space Odyssey Empty Re: 2001 Space Odyssey

    Post by Shale Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:47 pm

    I saw this in theater in 1969 and was quite impressed. Got to remember it was cutting edges FX in those days and it was predicting what we considered a very possible near future. Loved the Pan Am space craft (Who knew Pan Am wouldn't make it to the 21st Century). HAL (IBM) was the major player that impressed me.

    I too was taken aback when it opened on proto-humans in antiquity, but quickly saw the monolith as a constant in our development. The pretty colors in the ending were impressive in '69 but now FF on DVD. Oh, I was not yet into drugs so I saw it str8. In fact I was such a str8 nerd I took a date to that movie - don't think I ever saw the girl again. big grin

    I didn't really care for the cryptic ending with the space floating fetus (I know the analogy to rebirth, but kinda doesn't work for me). What did work was when Bowman kept ageing exponentially with each scene change. I feel that sometimes.

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