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    Jessica needs a "Dorian"

    Chamber Admin.
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    Jessica needs a "Dorian" Empty Jessica needs a "Dorian"

    Post by Chris Fri Jun 18, 2010 10:02 am

    Jessica needs a Dorian to her Viki. She's had a few fleeting rivals (Roseanne, Natalie, Sonia, Claudia) but nothing has ever stuck. I would love it if they brought on someone for her to fight with on a regular basis. Maybe it would take her out of conflicted victim mode all the time.
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    Jessica needs a "Dorian" Empty Re: Jessica needs a "Dorian"

    Post by allison13 Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:22 pm

    Jessica needs a brain before she needs anything or anybody else!
    Let me amend that.I watched this kid grow up and I hated the change in her from mature teen to wide-eyed perennial victim veering from one crisis to another waiting for her current knight to rescue her.Its time for her to grow up,take responsibility for herself and her kid and maybe then she'll be worthy of her own "Dorian",instead of getting stuck with the likes of Kelly and Marty.
    Chamber Admin.
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    Jessica needs a "Dorian" Empty Re: Jessica needs a "Dorian"

    Post by Chris Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:07 pm

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    Jessica needs a "Dorian" Empty Re: Jessica needs a "Dorian"

    Post by stavdash Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:29 pm

    allison13 wrote:Jessica needs a brain before she needs anything or anybody else!
    Let me amend that.I watched this kid grow up and I hated the change in her from mature teen to wide-eyed perennial victim veering from one crisis to another waiting for her current knight to rescue her.Its time for her to grow up,take responsibility for herself and her kid and maybe then she'll be worthy of her own "Dorian",instead of getting stuck with the likes of Kelly and Marty.

    You speak the truth. I was once a Jessica supporter, but am now a shred away from considering her as annoying as Natalie. Her whiny little perpetual victim shtick has seared much of the appreciation I once had for this character. She is a complete and utter drip.
    Tony Marino
    Tony Marino
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    Jessica needs a "Dorian" Empty Re: Jessica needs a "Dorian"

    Post by Tony Marino Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:58 pm

    This whole "I was the one that bashed Ford's brains in" is getting rather tired, Im sick of her whining about it, if she is so concerned that she did it, why dosen't she just turn herself in to McPain, I am sure he will be doubly delighted to handcuff her and put her in a cell next to potato face where she can whine to him that she dosen't remember bashing Fords face in and Potato face can whine how much he misses Starr but Hannah is innocent. They spent 3 days so far with Jess and Kelly going back and forth, Jess: Yes I did, Kelly: No you did not, Jess: I must have, Kelly: No you couldn't have...........geez this is damn annoying!
    Chamber Admin.
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    Jessica needs a "Dorian" Empty Re: Jessica needs a "Dorian"

    Post by Chris Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:27 am

    Tony Marino wrote:This whole "I was the one that bashed Ford's brains in" is getting rather tired, Im sick of her whining about it, if she is so concerned that she did it, why dosen't she just turn herself in to McPain, I am sure he will be doubly delighted to handcuff her and put her in a cell next to potato face where she can whine to him that she dosen't remember bashing Fords face in and Potato face can whine how much he misses Starr but Hannah is innocent. They spent 3 days so far with Jess and Kelly going back and forth, Jess: Yes I did, Kelly: No you did not, Jess: I must have, Kelly: No you couldn't have...........geez this is damn annoying!


    Jessica's habitual paranoia over being the one to possibly beat up Ford is so tedious to sit through. I think she wants to believe that she did it, just to feed her tired self-depricating attitude. Yeah, just go turn yourself in if you're that convinced.

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