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    Livin in the Sub Tropics

    Shale a Chamber Royal. a Chamber Royal.

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    Livin in the Sub Tropics Empty Livin in the Sub Tropics

    Post by Shale Wed Apr 04, 2012 12:37 am

    Today I had to work in our records shed shredding old files. Had some boxes been sitting there for a decade. Opened one and there was a whole colony of big ants living in it.

    Livin in the Sub Tropics 201204-03FileBox200001Web

    They were scrambling to take the babies away.

    Livin in the Sub Tropics 201204-03FileBox200003Web

    I took the box outside so they could escape. Shook them all out and put the papers back. Hopefully there wasn't too much damage. Glad we really didn't need those files.

    Oh, I also found some old gecko eggs in the boxes.

    Livin in the Sub Tropics 201204-03FileBoxGeckoEggsWeb

    Geckos live in houses down here. I used to share an apartment with one, who made the rounds from one end to the other. It was pretty big and I also found one of these eggs in a flower pot. It never hatched.

    Just part of living in the sub tropics.
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    Livin in the Sub Tropics Empty Re: Livin in the Sub Tropics

    Post by RedBedroom Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:23 am

    The gecko eggs are much smaller than I would have guessed.

    Yikes about all those ants. You are very level-headed about it. I would not be at all!
    Tony Marino
    Tony Marino
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    Livin in the Sub Tropics Empty Re: Livin in the Sub Tropics

    Post by Tony Marino Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:50 am

    Cool Shale! I could do without the Ants though.

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