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    New at the box office today: 4/13 Empty New at the box office today: 4/13

    Post by Chris Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:59 pm


    The Cabin in the Woods
    Horror Comedy
    Lionsgate 2,811
    Sci-Fi Action
    FilmDistrict 2,308
    The Three Stooges
    Fox 3,477
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    Post by Cheaps Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:57 pm

    I wouldn't mind seeing Cabin In The Woods.
    Nystyle709 a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    Post by Nystyle709 Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:01 pm

    Blah. Who gives a shit. Marley comes out next Friday!
    Shale a Chamber Royal. a Chamber Royal.

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    Post by Shale Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:44 pm

    I was going to see The Cabin in the Woods today but got rained in. Looks like tomorrow will be a washout too.

    I normally don't take in horror movies, but this one has been getting exceptional reviews and there is something more to it than the normal 'cabin in the woods' type horror flick. Also Chris Hemsworth is in it. Blue Cool

    Also, not on the list is the documenatary Bully which went into wide release today and has been rated PG-13 instead of its original R.
    Shale a Chamber Royal. a Chamber Royal.

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    New at the box office today: 4/13 Empty The Cabin in the Woods

    Post by Shale Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:28 pm

    The Cabin in the Woods
    Movie Blurb by Shale
    April 14, 2012

    First off, this movie was not my regular fare. I never saw Saw nor Cabin Fever. I did see Dreamcatcher which was a horror flick in a cabin in the woods but that was a decade ago (and I thot it was quite silly). However, I went to see this movie because of the outstanding reviews, both locally (3.5 stars from Connie Ogle of The Miami Herald) and 93% of the aggregate reviewers on Rottentomatoes as well as 81% of audiences.

    And, they all make reference to this being different than the usual teen slasher flick. But don't worry, there will be five young friends who are planning a relaxing weekend in someone's cabin in the woods, where unbeknownst to them will be zombies, with saws and scythes and knives (and bear traps on chains) who will chase them thru the woods and cabin - and, oh yeah, there will be blood. (it is rated R)

    If this all seems pretty much what you expect - then Good. However, there is much more to this movie that got such exceptional reviews from critics and audiences. This one has a backstory, which makes it exceptional. All I can say is Go See This Movie.

    See More Here:

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