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Tony Marino
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    America the ''No Vacation'' Nation

    Tony Marino
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    America the ''No Vacation'' Nation  Empty America the ''No Vacation'' Nation

    Post by Tony Marino Mon May 23, 2011 3:25 pm

    6 weeks paid vacation in France..WTF. I sure as hell don't maximize my happiness through work.

    Let's be blunt: If you like to take lots of vacation, the United States is not the place to work.
    Besides a handful of national holidays, the typical American worker bee gets two or three precious weeks off out of a whole year to relax and see the world -- much less than what people in many other countries receive.

    And even that amount of vacation often comes with strings attached.

    Some U.S. companies don't like employees taking off more than one week at a time. Others expect them to be on call or check their e-mail even when they're lounging on the beach or taking a hike in the mountains.

    'Americans work like robots'

    It's a totally different story in other parts of the world.

    Nancy Schimkat, an American who lives in Weinheim, Germany, said her German husband, an engineer, gets six weeks of paid vacation a year, plus national holidays -- the norm. His company makes sure he takes all of it.

    It's typical for Germans to take off three consecutive weeks in August when "most of the country kind of closes down," Schimkat said. That's the time for big trips, perhaps to other parts of Europe, or to Australia or North America. Germans might also book a ski holiday in the winter and take a week off during Easter.

    Schimkat's family back in the United States teases her that she's spoiled. But when she tells Germans that workers in the U.S. usually get two weeks of vacation a year, they cringe.

    "They kind of have this idea that Americans work like robots and if that's the way they want to be, that's up to them. But they don't want to be like that," Schimkat said.

    "[Germans] work very hard, but then they take their holiday and really relax. ... It's more than just making money for Germans, it's about having time for your family and it's about having time to wind down."

    No legal obligation to offer vacation

    So what's going on here?

    A big reason for the difference is that paid time off is mandated by law in many parts of the world.

    Germany is among more than two dozen industrialized countries -- from Australia to Slovenia to Japan -- that require employers to offer four weeks or more of paid vacation to their workers, according to a 2009 study by the human resources consulting company Mercer.

    Finland, Brazil and France are the champs, guaranteeing six weeks of time off.

    But employers in the United States are not obligated under federal law to offer any paid vacation, so about a quarter of all American workers don't have access to it, government figures show.

    That makes the U.S. the only advanced nation in the world that doesn't guarantee its workers annual leave, according to a report titled "No-Vacation Nation" by the Center for Economic and Policy Research, a liberal policy group.

    "Americans maximize their... [happiness] by working, and Europeans maximize their [happiness] through leisure," he found.

    So despite research documenting the health and productivity benefits of taking time off, a long vacation can be undesirable, scary, unrealistic or just plain impossible for many U.S. workers.

    Little appetite for regulation

    Critics say it's time for a change.

    "There is simply no evidence that working people to death gives you a competitive advantage," said John de Graaf, the national coordinator for Take Back Your Time, a group that researches the effects of overwork

    He noted that the United States came in fourth in the World Economic Forum's 2010-2011 rankings of the most competitive economies, but Sweden -- a country that by law offers workers five weeks of paid vacation -- came in second.
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    America the ''No Vacation'' Nation  Empty Re: America the ''No Vacation'' Nation

    Post by RedBedroom Mon May 23, 2011 3:47 pm

    That is really interesting.
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    America the ''No Vacation'' Nation  Empty Re: America the ''No Vacation'' Nation

    Post by Supernova Mon May 23, 2011 3:49 pm

    laughing I haven't had a vacation in my life, so I fit in perfectly here, not that I like it. pissed I swear, if I ever win the lottery, I'm hitting the road and think I'll take a year to be gone enjoying it.
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    Post by Nystyle709 Mon May 23, 2011 7:51 pm

    I've known this for quite some time and it's not surprising. They want us to work like slaves over here.
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    Post by Alan Smithee Mon May 23, 2011 9:15 pm

    Yeah, this isn't new info to me. But at least we're not SOCIALISTS here!

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    America the ''No Vacation'' Nation  Empty Re: America the ''No Vacation'' Nation

    Post by Marc™ Tue May 24, 2011 10:51 am

    Par for the course.
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    America the ''No Vacation'' Nation  Empty Re: America the ''No Vacation'' Nation

    Post by MandyPerfumeGirl Tue May 24, 2011 11:42 am

    Most Americans are over-worked and under-paid. This is no surprise. Europe has the right idea - work, but have time for friends and family and relaxation. That's what it's all about. Work is just a part of life, not the whole thing.

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