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    'WE killed Kennedy', who the hell is 'we'?

    The Book Chamber
    The Book Chamber

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    'WE killed Kennedy', who the hell is 'we'? Empty 'WE killed Kennedy', who the hell is 'we'?

    Post by Supernova Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:22 am

    I'm currently reading Dr. Thomas Noguchi (who was the inspiration for Jack Klugman's title character in the 70s show Quincy M.E.), chief medical examiner of Los Angeles county of many years and coroner to the stars,'s first book Coroner, and one chapter talks about his findings in Robert F. Kennedy's assassination.

    The key piece to the puzzle was a last minute, very minor thing most people probably wouldn't think of. While conducting the autopsy, Noguchi asked where the hair shavings were that were removed from Kennedy's head when he was moved into surgery. They were collected from the operating room at the last minute, and in them the police found gunpowder, and soot, meaning it was a very close range; so Noguchi ordered 7 pigs' ears and had the police run a ballistics test to determine how the fatal shot to the head was made...he concluded that the gun was 3 inches behind his head when it fired.

    Now, since Sirhan Sirhan (what the hell?) fired from the front, 2 shots getting Kennedy in the armpit, once through his jacket, and several other rounds hitting the people behind him, there's really no way he could've also gotten behind Kennedy and shot him almost point blank in the head, so who did? That's the unanswered question. However, Noguchi also reveals that when the police investigated, several witnesses saw a woman in a polka dot dress run out right after the shooting yelling 'WE killed Kennedy'. As far as I know, this woman has never been identified.

    I was telling my mother about this last part this afternoon and her question was 'but did she mean WE as in their kind? Was she of the same race Sirhan Sirhan was?', of course nobody knows, but here's what I'm thinking instead. When you're searching for a gunman, you're not likely to check for a woman, are you? And I asked her that and she said 'no, not back then, nobody would think of that', well that's my point, who would suspect a woman? Why was she the one yelling WE killed Kennedy?

    And Noguchi pointed out everybody saw Kennedy react to being shot, they didn't right away see the shooter...and he didn't have bodyguards with him because it was a sudden decision to leave through the kitchen, so who knew to be behind him when he went in there? But with everybody watching Kennedy and the front shooter, probably nobody would notice a woman in a polka dot dress. Granted, there wasn't anything mentioned of any witnesses in the kitchen having seen a woman like that, but if she wasn't, how would she know then who shot Kennedy? What did she mean by WE killed him?

    Anybody else got any thoughts about this cold case?
    Alan Smithee
    Alan Smithee a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    'WE killed Kennedy', who the hell is 'we'? Empty Re: 'WE killed Kennedy', who the hell is 'we'?

    Post by Alan Smithee Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:26 pm

    Technically I don't think this is a "cold case". I saw a show on this where there was strong circumstantial evidence that the (fatal)shooter could have been a security guard behind Kennedy who is now living out of the country.

    There's also this.
    Was it a conspiracy? Shrugs (Oh well…)
    The Book Chamber
    The Book Chamber

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    'WE killed Kennedy', who the hell is 'we'? Empty Re: 'WE killed Kennedy', who the hell is 'we'?

    Post by Supernova Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:48 pm

    It hadn't occurred to me until last night when I was trying to sleep, how odd it is that both brothers were killed by having their heads blown off so to speak. Sirhan shot Kennedy in the front, but none of those shots were fatal, it was only the final shot to the head from a different gunman, that really counted for anything.

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    'WE killed Kennedy', who the hell is 'we'? Empty Re: 'WE killed Kennedy', who the hell is 'we'?

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