I've gotten to know my grandmother more over the years, as she's aged and become more dependant on me for help with everyday life. She's 87 now, and is very limited on what she can do, since she uses a walker and has leg braces from having had polio as a child.
Simple things like giving her a ride to the doctor's, or stopping over to change the sheets on her bed are things she can't do for herself anymore. I even spent a couple of weeks this past September, painting her apartment for her. Gram has always been a little of the mindset that if you want to wait on her, she won't mind at all, so I do the big things she can't handle, but try to have her help with things I know she can do, like sorting through her books to get rid of ones she's already read so they don't accumulate too much, or sort through old paperwork that she tends to also accumulate.
Overall, Gram is pretty sharp still for 87, but I feel I need to check on her weekly, though.