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    Have you ever dated a cop?

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    Have you ever dated a cop? Empty Have you ever dated a cop?

    Post by Chris Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:57 pm

    Have you ever been involved with someone who worked in law enforcement (specifically a police officer?) If so, did the relationship differ much from any of your others? If you haven't, would you want to date a cop?
    The Book Chamber
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    Have you ever dated a cop? Empty Re: Have you ever dated a cop?

    Post by Supernova Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:06 am

    No, and I wouldn't.
    Shale a Chamber Royal. a Chamber Royal.

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    Have you ever dated a cop? Empty Re: Have you ever dated a cop?

    Post by Shale Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:44 am

    I was a cop and had a few romantic moments with women. Actually, that was the time I was involved with the older woman (whose ol' man was in the mob).
    Cheaps a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    Have you ever dated a cop? Empty Re: Have you ever dated a cop?

    Post by Cheaps Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:16 am

    No and hell no!
    Nystyle709 a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    Have you ever dated a cop? Empty Re: Have you ever dated a cop?

    Post by Nystyle709 Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:19 am

    Yes and no. I have several friends who are cops and other members if law enforcement. It's a job. I don't believe in discriminating against people who have gainful employment.
    The Book Chamber
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    Have you ever dated a cop? Empty Re: Have you ever dated a cop?

    Post by Supernova Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:52 am

    Nystyle709 wrote:Yes and no. I have several friends who are cops and other members if law enforcement. It's a job. I don't believe in discriminating against people who have gainful employment.

    I do when said employment involves becoming some of the best damn actors in the world with the intention to deceive people. How would you know that they were being honest with you?
    Nystyle709 a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    Have you ever dated a cop? Empty Re: Have you ever dated a cop?

    Post by Nystyle709 Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:13 am

    Supernova wrote:

    I do when said employment involves becoming some of the best damn actors in the world with the intention to deceive people. How would you know that they were being honest with you?

    LOL. And would you know they aren't? Ya know, you're too young to be this pessimistic. And for someone to boast about going to college at 15, you should know better than to STEREOTYPE an entire profession based on the ills of a few. So you think my friends who are cops are liars and deceitful? And you don't even fucking know them? You need get out more. Real talk.
    The Book Chamber
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    Have you ever dated a cop? Empty Re: Have you ever dated a cop?

    Post by Supernova Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:25 pm

    It's also a stereotype that politicians are lying windbag pieces of crap, but would you say none of them are?

    My family's had several encounters with the cops over the years, and never had a positive light shed on the profession yet, and if you ask around, you'd see there are a LOT of people who feel the same way about it, just because your friends are okay does that mean they ALL are? And why is it so many people only get the SOB branch to deal with whenever they're called? And, what, I'd want to date somebody like that? Put that in the same category with dating a defense attorney, when hell freezes over.
    Nystyle709 a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    Have you ever dated a cop? Empty Re: Have you ever dated a cop?

    Post by Nystyle709 Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:30 pm

    Supernova wrote:It's also a stereotype that politicians are lying windbag pieces of crap, but would you say none of them are?

    A lot of them are. Hell, maybe most of them are. I know better than to say ALL of them are though. I know there are politician who actually do the work they are hired to do. The media highlights nothing but scandal.

    My family's had several encounters with the cops over the years, and never had a positive light shed on the profession yet, and if you ask around, you'd see there are a LOT of people who feel the same way about it, just because your friends are okay does that mean they ALL are?

    Just because your family encountered crooked cops means they all are? Like I said before, its a JOB. They do their 20 yrs, collect their pension and get out.
    your judge individuals by their character, not their jobs.

    And why is it so many people only get the SOB branch to deal with whenever they're called?

    It be like that somerimes.

    And, what, I'd want to date somebody like that?

    Somebody like what Supernova? Why don't you tell me exactly what a cop is like, since you seem to be so knowledgeable of the law enforcement profession.

    Put that in the same category with dating a defense attorney, when hell freezes over.

    LOL. You funny as hell.
    Shale a Chamber Royal. a Chamber Royal.

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    Have you ever dated a cop? Empty Re: Have you ever dated a cop?

    Post by Shale Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:43 pm

    Supernova wrote:
    My family's had several encounters with the cops over the years, and never had a positive light shed on the profession yet, and if you ask around, you'd see there are a LOT of people who feel the same way about it, ...

    As much as I rant on the pigs, I'm sure there are some decen ppl in law enforcement. Those are the ones we don't see or remember because they didn't threaten us, or steal from us, or beat us. The only ones that make the news are the fuckups and abusive bad cops.

    Like any other profession there are good & bad in it. I was a good cop and I had one other guy on the force that was good. I only lasted a year - seeing the culture was mainly bad. Still it would be prejudicial to paint them all with the predominant color.
    The Book Chamber
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    Have you ever dated a cop? Empty Re: Have you ever dated a cop?

    Post by Supernova Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:45 pm

    Every cop we've ever had to deal with either A. never shows up, or B. comes out, does NOT hear both sides and automatically says it's our fault that somebody attacks us and tells us we have to be nice to the people vandalizing our property or threatening us. Over a course of more than 20 years, every time something's happened and they had to be called, the results were always one of the two, and this with new blood going in and out of the department all the time.

    I think if anybody looks hard enough, they could find a profession that they would never want to date a member of, and sometimes with good reason because the pairing up would be like saying the fox should date the snake that bit it.

    Like child welfare services; these were the brainless twits that said they HAD to come in our house and take my brother and myself away from our parents, but they couldn't say why because it was a secret. Would I date somebody who works in that field then? Hell no. Lawyers, these are the people who for the right price made sure my dad cold never see his granddaughter even though he did nothing wrong, would I date one of those snakes? Hell no. It may just be their job and everybody in that job may be different, but once you've been thrown under the bus you don't ask the driver if he can back it up and try it again to see if it goes any differently the second time.
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    Have you ever dated a cop? Empty Re: Have you ever dated a cop?

    Post by RobbieFTW Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:42 pm

    Nope but I would luv to date a hot cop that could fix both me & my tickets!!! big grin

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