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    Ugh TSJ fans read this.

    Tony Marino
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    Post by Tony Marino Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:55 pm

    I picked this up from another board, I hope its not true, I will bombard ABC with e-mails:

    First of all, take this with a grain of salt. Who knows if there is
    any validity to it. I, for one, hope this is NOT true as I really enjoy
    TSJ as Todd, not to mention, this story line sounds ludicrous (even for
    A member from Data Lounge posted this anonymously. A couple of the
    posters there work at ABC Daytime, either as writers or in some other
    fashion. Again, I wouldn't read too much into this but I just thought
    I'd share.

    ''Current plan is for RH to return as Todd in the fall. TSJ will stay
    on for now. The explanation is going to be crazy but what it boils down
    to is the ''real'' Todd was in a coma for years and TSJ's character
    believed he was Todd. Expect Roscoe Born to return briefly as Mitch,
    along with TSJ's second role as that weird mobster.

    FL/Tea is taking an out but will be back and will continue
    to work closely with Trevor. Blair is being moved back towards Todd. The
    storyline is that she has to reevaluate her whole life now and her
    choice to move on from Todd, because the man who did a lot of terrible
    things to the family in the last couple years was not really the man she
    had children with. Jack will hate ''real'' Todd BTW.''

    I guess it would kind of explain what's going on with Tea's hallucinations, but still...SMDH!!!!!!!
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    Post by pisces33 Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:29 pm

    This is what I was afraid of when RH's picture was shown, and Tea saying that Todd was an imposter. TIIC are going to tick off more people than they make happy if this is true. Are they going to get MM back to write for him? Ugh TSJ fans read this. 371458 TSJ is Todd, end of story. Ugh TSJ fans read this. 924153
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    Post by Forgiveness Man Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:36 pm

    This sounds like the same theory that has been floating around for years and I don't buy it. TSJ has done too much to prove he is Todd, too much. Showing RH's pic is simply acknowledging TnT's previous weddings. RH doesn't want to return. I think is is more fangirl speculation to be honest.
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    Post by pisces33 Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:54 pm

    One difference, this time RH is going to be out of a job, and if he is offered enough money, who knows?
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    Post by Forgiveness Man Sat Aug 07, 2010 3:23 pm

    ^^^^IDK if ABC has enough money to give him. lol Still, this is the same rumor that's been around for years. People assume RH would just come crawling back. I just don't see any new evidence of this at all.
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    Post by pisces33 Sat Aug 07, 2010 3:28 pm

    What I said, out of a job, offered tons of money, offers are not pouring in except from ABC, what is a man to do? It happens all the time on soaps
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    Post by Forgiveness Man Sat Aug 07, 2010 3:38 pm

    ^^^^The "tons of money" part is where this idea loses me. ABC only has so much money. This HAS been a rumor for a long time. And who is to say that ABC is the only place this guy can go? Again, I just don't think this rumor is any more credible now than it has been since 2003. All of these so-called sources are really source-less.

    Besides, even if RH returns, who's to say ABC won't pull another Claudia Zachara? It's not as if they have a history of learning from mistakes.
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    Post by Crazy4Gaga Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:06 pm

    Folks,I really think it does no avail to post and spread these supposed "spumors" from other boards!! Wink These happen all the time. Why get even more fans upset? Really what is the use.
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    Post by pisces33 Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:53 pm

    I guess it is interesting to speculate about what could happen. I have always dismissed the rumors before but with ATWT going away, it seems there might be something to them. Greg Vaughan was gone the minute they could get Jonathan Jackson back as Lucky, so it does happen.
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    Post by Tony Marino Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:27 pm

    Forgiveness_Man wrote:This sounds like the same theory that has been floating around for years and I don't buy it. TSJ has done too much to prove he is Todd, too much. Showing RH's pic is simply acknowledging TnT's previous weddings. RH doesn't want to return. I think is is more fangirl speculation to be honest.

    I sincerely hope so!
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    Post by Tony Marino Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:31 pm

    Crazy4Gaga wrote:Folks,I really think it does no avail to post and spread these supposed "spumors" from other boards!! Wink These happen all the time. Why get even more fans upset? Really what is the use.

    Sorry about that but i wanted to find out myself if this was true and by posting maybe someone here might know if its a hoax or not. It probably is. Would it not be more upsetting to turn the show on one day and all of a sudden you see RH on?
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    Post by gmruss4 Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:25 am

    I do hope this is not true. Please someone tell me why is it they can't give Blair another man away from Todd. I can't stand her with Todd, either Todd I don't care which one it is. Bring back her real husband Max
    Holden for her just get her away from Todd for good. I hate that troll.
    Adrian LePere
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    Post by Adrian LePere Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:34 am

    I'm trying to block all the rumors, gossip and innuendo out because 50% of spumors come from annoymous people claiming to have some kind of inside info that they don't. Also this isn't a new theory at all. MB posters have been trying to shovel this hearsay for years. It very well could be just idiots trying to manipulate a lie that they hope comes true by acting like it's the truth. That said I will say that I'm abit unnerved by the rumors and the timing of ATWT's cancellation.

    I said it before and I'll say it again, if the writers try and bring back RH as Todd at the expense of TSJ I will never watch OLTL ever again. The only way I can accept RH back is if TSJ leaves by his own choosing AND if they just have him continue where TSJ's Todd left off. (No trying to say that TSJ version wasn't actually Todd all these years.)

    In the meantime, I hope RH remembers why he left OLTL all those times before and opts to not return.
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    Post by TSJFan4Ever Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:28 am

    I'm already really on the edge when it comes to OLTL and bringing RH back as Todd will push me over. I'll stop watching OLTL and focus entirely on Y&R. I know these rumours have been out there for awhile but I hope nothing comes of it. It will be a real slap in the face to Trevor if TPTB do this but they've never really appreciated him or his talents, and ABC has donethis before - Real Greenlee, the whole Stephen Martinez/Tyler Christopher mess, the Greg Vaughn/Jonathan Jackson thing. ABC entered into negotiations with Steven, all the while courting Tyler behind Steven's back. Tyler agreed too come back and ABC ousted Stephen. I hope it's nothing more than rumours.
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    Post by tandmfan Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:47 am

    I hope this is just a rumor. I hate imposter story lines. I don't mind if RH comes back, but he should come on as another character. TSJ has proven that he's Todd Manning.
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    Post by Chris Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:06 am

    I wouldn't at all put it past ABCD to pull a stunt like this, but I think with ATWT ending it becomes a little *too* easy for message board liars and attention seekers to pounce with wild accusations, theories and alleged 'inside info.' designed to rile people up. Some people think that the more they spin and spout their wishful thinking, the more likely it may actually come true.
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    Post by Forgiveness Man Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:21 am

    pisces33 wrote:Greg Vaughan was gone the minute they could get Jonathan Jackson back as Lucky, so it does happen.
    It does, but Todd is very different from Lucky. Razz

    I think I should start a rumor. RH will come back as Todd's twin named Tucker. He'll be a drug addict and will start doing a lot of bad things that Johnny Sunshine can't stop and Todd will be the only one that stops him, making everybody in Llanview seriously owe Todd. They will stop hating him and they will eventually give him Johnny Sunshine's job. Razz
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    Post by pisces33 Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:29 am

    Okay, what is the difference? GV played Lucky for six years and had a lot of fans. Now for me I was so happy to get JJ back I can understand how people feel about RH. Maybe the difference is that I never felt GV was Lucky ever, and although I adored RH as Todd, the minute TSJ appeared he owned the character, I never was fooled by "Walker", I knew who he was from the start.
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    Post by Forgiveness Man Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:40 am

    ^^^^I think the difference is simply that Lucky and Todd are different types of characters, and unlike with Todd, Lucky's original actor returning didn't require a contrived story to explain it.(To my knowledge anyway)

    I think this is just another copy of the same rumor they've had since 2003.
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    Ugh TSJ fans read this. Empty Well As A TSJ Fan. I Look At It This Way

    Post by trevorrules2 Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:42 am

    If they get rid of Trevor for RH it's OLTL's loss not Trevor or Trevor fans loss. They lose not us.

    There's been campagining going on for years to have Trevor fired. From RH franic fans, from Kassie fans and yes now that Flo is back some of her fans. Since some hate this version of TNT.

    RH fans want him back because with Trevor this isn't Todd but Podd, pussy boy as they call Todd and might I add Trevor too.

    Kassie fans want RH back to bring Kassie back front and center on the show.

    Some Flo fans want RH to bring back the orignal magic of TNT. Since they think this isn't TNT but not TNT.

    Trevor has all these fans hating him and constantly has to live in the shadow of their hate all the time.

    So if happens it happens.

    So Kassie fans can enjoy RH as he rolls his eyes behind Kassie's back while she's acting out one of her big drama scenes.

    Flo fans can watch again as Todd either leaves her on an island, throws her out naked, or slaps her in the face. That's what the old TNT fans want. Plus the lack of love scenes their never get but that's what some them want.

    If Trevor is replace with RH I'll be gone from OLTL any way and wouldn't care. Like I said it will be OLTL's loss not mine because OLTL will be off my map for daytime shows all together. And I wouldn't care one way or another what happens to OLTL after Trevor is gone.
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    Post by sue67 Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:47 am

    The long knives are out for TSJ with RH being out of a job soon, one troll came by soc to claim that TSJ didn't really care about REG only wanted out of TnB at any cost and that fans should stop asking for Tangie, it was pulled but it took only five seconds for posters to believe it was true.
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    Ugh TSJ fans read this. Empty Why Am I Not Surprise Sue

    Post by trevorrules2 Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:52 am

    sue67 wrote:The long knives are out for TSJ with RH being out of a job soon, one troll came by soc to claim that TSJ didn't really care about REG only wanted out of TnB at any cost and that fans should stop asking for Tangie, it was pulled but it took only five seconds for posters to believe it was true.

    Some times I wish Trevor would just leave than to put up with these franic fans because that's what they are.

    Trevor gets it from every single fanbase across the net. It's becoming a real joke anymore.

    If he doesn't live up to his acting opposite of the actress he works with he gets bashed for his acting. Heaven forbid if he isn't kissing the ground the actress walks on. He must always live up to every actress acting opposite of him. And if he doesn't give his all he sucks in acting.

    He does interviews and saids one little thing about the storyline or actress he's working with and they take every little word he saids twists them into their words and they bash him like no one else. Thank God he isn't doing interviews anymore and keeping his mouth shut.

    And like Todd, Trevor gets blame for everything that is wrong with OLTL.

    Being a Trevor fan on this show with these obsess, nut fans is not easy believe me. Not easy at all.
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    Post by aublack40 Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:23 pm

    i pray that trevor leaves after saving the show and the character of todd he deserves much better. it must be torture looking at certain actresses and producers are saying and doing behind his back. i know that feeling all too well also!
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    Post by trevorrules2 Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:40 pm

    aublack40 wrote:i pray that trevor leaves after saving the show and the character of todd he deserves much better. it must be torture looking at certain actresses and producers are saying and doing behind his back. i know that feeling all too well also!

    It reminds me of that song by the O'Jays way back when.

    A smile your on face anyone want to take your place "Back Stabbing".

    That's exactly how OLTL and ABC is back stabbing two face business people.
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    Post by manningsrule Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:44 pm

    These rumors always give him a stomach ache, lmao.Ugh TSJ fans read this. 959349 I happen to love both actors but I'm kinda addicted to TSJ's Todd and as much as I'd love to have Roger back on my screen, I would prefer he played a new character. I'll be quite frank, Roger was uncomfortable with lovescenes because of the characters baggage and I don't want to give up my uber sexy Todd lovin that only TSJ can do. Ugh TSJ fans read this. 869759 Yes, I admit it, that is my deciding factor in the debate, lol.

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