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    What colors do you tend to wear the most?

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    What colors do you tend to wear the most? Empty What colors do you tend to wear the most?

    Post by Chris Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:27 am

    I tend to gravitate toward lighter colors. Soft whites, pastel blues, beige.

    Every now and then I'll darker it up, usually work clothes, but when I'm casual the colors I wear tend to be be soft or bright.
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    What colors do you tend to wear the most? Empty Re: What colors do you tend to wear the most?

    Post by CeCe Wed Aug 11, 2010 1:11 pm

    Come to think of it there are a LOT of black & grey things. I might need to work on that.
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    What colors do you tend to wear the most? Empty Re: What colors do you tend to wear the most?

    Post by Nhaiyel Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:24 pm

    I wear a lot of black, dark gray and navy blue.
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    What colors do you tend to wear the most? Empty Re: What colors do you tend to wear the most?

    Post by TexasLady Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:39 pm

    I am very light complected so I mainly wear pastels but blue is my favorite color and I also have very blue eyes so blue and pink are really good colors for me.
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    What colors do you tend to wear the most? Empty Re: What colors do you tend to wear the most?

    Post by Nystyle709 Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:12 pm

    I have way too many dark colors in my closet. I need to lighten it up a bit. I wear a lot of black, purple and blue.
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    What colors do you tend to wear the most? Empty Re: What colors do you tend to wear the most?

    Post by Kral Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:42 pm

    Usually blue, green or white. Actually usually blue or green WITH white.
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    What colors do you tend to wear the most? Empty Re: What colors do you tend to wear the most?

    Post by kinetic Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:14 pm

    Chris wrote:I tend to gravitate toward lighter colors. Soft whites, pastel blues, beige.

    Every now and then I'll darker it up, usually work clothes, but when I'm casual the colors I wear tend to be be soft or bright.

    White, white plaid and sometimes lighter grays. I gravitate toward lighter colors too. Dark colors make me feel heavy or hot.
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    What colors do you tend to wear the most? Empty Re: What colors do you tend to wear the most?

    Post by Marc™ Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:23 am

    This sort of flesh-y Brown....
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    What colors do you tend to wear the most? Empty Re: What colors do you tend to wear the most?

    Post by CatEyes10736 Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:50 pm

    Black and blue.

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    What colors do you tend to wear the most? Empty Re: What colors do you tend to wear the most?

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