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    As suspected <spoiler about NuJack>

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    As suspected <spoiler about NuJack> Empty As suspected <spoiler about NuJack>

    Post by Kral Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:19 pm

    According to TV Guide spoilers, Jack is the one behind bullying Shane. Had to be why they recast. Buzz is saying that Shane might attempt suicide and that meanwhile trouble in Jack's "personal life" is making him behave so vicious. (Don't even wanna ponder that one).
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    As suspected <spoiler about NuJack> Empty Re: As suspected <spoiler about NuJack>

    Post by Forgiveness Man Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:33 pm

    This story will walk a very fine line between horrible and amazing. I am holding out hope for passable at the very least.
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    As suspected <spoiler about NuJack> Empty Re: As suspected <spoiler about NuJack>

    Post by TSJFan4Ever Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:23 pm

    UGH! Well - TPTB have killed my interest in Jack, esp. if they're throwing him in with the scene killing Balsom/Morasco bunch. UGH!
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    As suspected <spoiler about NuJack> Empty Re: As suspected <spoiler about NuJack>

    Post by Chris Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:10 am

    Today's News: Our Take
    Exclusive: One Life to Live's Cyber-Bully Revealed

    As suspected <spoiler about NuJack> Tv-guide-news

    Feb 8, 2011 01:28 PM ET
    by Michael Logan

    As suspected <spoiler about NuJack> 110208mag-AustinWilliams1 The teen bullying plot on One Life to Live turns personal February 22 when the anonymous jerk who's been harassing high schooler Shane Morasco (Austin Williams) over the internet turns out to be someone we know well — Blair and Todd's kid Jack (Andrew Trischitta). TV Guide Magazine spoke with the
    soap's Emmy-winning head writer Ron Carlivati about this ripped-from-the-headlines story and where it's headed.

    TV Guide Magazine: Did the recent rash of suicides among bullied teens make you move quickly with this story?

    Yeah, we did jump in pretty fast on this one — faster than with most
    stories. I took the idea to [executive producer] Frank Valentini, then
    we quickly took it to [ABC Daytime chief] Brian Frons. The time was
    right and Shane seemed to be the perfect kid to do it with. We've
    partnered with STOMP Out Bullying []
    and will be running PSAs for the organization starting the day Jack is
    revealed as the bully. It's not that bullying hasn't been going on
    since forever, but it's become a renewed issue in our society and
    people — especially parents — don't know exactly what to do and how to
    deal with it.

    TV Guide Magazine: It's interesting that you had Shane's
    grandma, Echo, find out about the cyber-bullying early on, then bow to
    pressure from Shane not to tell his parents. Seems like a big mistake
    on her part.
    Carlivati: We have a
    responsibility when we tell a story like this to help the audience
    learn what they should do in such a situation, but that doesn't mean we
    don't show our characters making the wrong choices. The situation will
    get worse for Shane as we move into the spring. At first, we're
    centering the story on the kids but as we move forward — I'm already
    plotting this into May sweeps and beyond — it'll also become a story
    about the parents. How much do you monitor your child? How do you keep
    up with your kid in this difficult era of the internet? Should Shane's
    parents, Rex and Gigi, have seen the warning signs? What about Jack's
    parents? Sometimes these things are happening right under your nose and
    you're not aware of it.

    TV Guide Magazine: How do Blair and Todd react when they find out their son's a little shit?
    It's going to be a surprise for them. Though we've cast a new Jack for
    this story [14-year-old Carmen LoPorto has been replaced by 16-year-old
    Trischitta] we've seen the seeds of this problem because Jack has
    already been a bit of a Dennis the Menace-type character — a prankster
    and troublemaker but in a humorous way. I think his becoming a bully is
    a very realistic evolution as he goes into high school. Here he is a
    popular, good-looking and wealthy kid, and there's little Shane, whose
    parents are working hard to put food on the table. Shane doesn't have
    the hippest, coolest sneakers, or the best clothes, and that becomes
    yet another reason to terrorize him. Don't forget that Jack's male role
    model is Todd, who has his own long history of bullying. And there's
    also denial there. Blair will not want to believe her sweet little boy
    can do such horrible things.

    TV Guide Magazine: It sounds like this will go way beyond cyber-bullying.
    Carlivati: The threats soon turn physical. Things are going on in Jack's life that will amp up his cruelty level and make him even worse.

    TV Guide Magazine: A lot of the bullying that's made the news lately has been gay-related. Did you purposely avoid going there?

    It seemed more important that we not tell a gay story, though that's
    not to say that certain kinds of gay slurs won't come up as the story
    progresses. It's important to say that kids can be targeted by bullies
    for any number of reasons. Shane is artistic, he's into comic books, he
    has asthma, which keeps him on the sidelines during gym, and he's a
    sensitive kid. He's been targeted just for being different. And it
    becomes a group thing. Once the other kids start piling on it doesn't
    really matter what the reason is because he's become a target. He's
    somebody they can get to. It becomes a herd mentality. This has been a
    real challenge to write because Austin is such a great actor and makes
    it all so heartbreaking to watch. I feel mean putting poor little Shane
    through so much pain. I can't imagine there's anyone in our audience
    who doesn't feel for him. It's tough stuff, but it's important to get
    the word out.

    TV Guide Magazine: An increasing number of these cases do end in suicide or suicide attempts. How far will you take this story?
    Right now, all I'll say is this: The problem with Shane will reach critical mass.
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    As suspected <spoiler about NuJack> Empty Re: As suspected <spoiler about NuJack>

    Post by TSJFan4Ever Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:48 am

    This really doesn't sound like a story I'm interested in. I cna't stand Shane and, just like with the cancer storyline, I'm sure TPTB will screw it up.
    Jason B.
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    As suspected <spoiler about NuJack> Empty Re: As suspected <spoiler about NuJack>

    Post by Jason B. Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:32 am

    I heard the story is supposed to pull in Todd, Blair & Rex, Gigi for a major fallout. The story would have been a lot better if Matthew was the target of Jack's evil texts and instead Bo and Nora were involved. I'm not looking forward to seeing Rex bounce off the walls and talking up a storm, while Gigi whines and bleets. I hope Todd has a smarmy snarkly reaction to their scene chewing.
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    As suspected <spoiler about NuJack> Empty Re: As suspected <spoiler about NuJack>

    Post by TSJFan4Ever Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:45 am

    Yeah - Rex and Gigi are goig to ruin this storyline!!!!! It might have been good with Matthew, though Matthew's become pretty evil himself and if they di go that route, John, Bo & Nora would use everything they could to arrest Todd and Jack and to ring false charges against them both and throw them in prison.

    Bleeting - perfect word for everything that comes out of Gigi's mouth. That's why I call her FiFi - she's like a yappy poodle with badly coloured hair that looks fake. The storyline might bring everyone into it, but TPTB don't have the talent to pull it off and they've shown it by picking Shane as the target and his immature, teenager parents. Honestly - Fifi and Rex act more like they're in their teens than the teens do!!!! Neither of them can do a serious storyline, especially Rex. I guess this storyline will be good for comedic laughs as Rex attempst to be serious in it. JPL suits the bumbling idiot storylines much better.
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    As suspected <spoiler about NuJack> Empty Re: As suspected <spoiler about NuJack>

    Post by Kral Thu Feb 10, 2011 3:22 am

    TSJFan4Ever wrote:Yeah - Rex and Gigi are goig to ruin this storyline!!!!! It might have been good with Matthew, though Matthew's become pretty evil himself and if they di go that route, John, Bo & Nora would use everything they could to arrest Todd and Jack and to ring false charges against them both and throw them in prison.

    Bleeting - perfect word for everything that comes out of Gigi's mouth. That's why I call her FiFi - she's like a yappy poodle with badly coloured hair that looks fake. The storyline might bring everyone into it, but TPTB don't have the talent to pull it off and they've shown it by picking Shane as the target and his immature, teenager parents. Honestly - Fifi and Rex act more like they're in their teens than the teens do!!!! Neither of them can do a serious storyline, especially Rex. I guess this storyline will be good for comedic laughs as Rex attempst to be serious in it. JPL suits the bumbling idiot storylines much better.

    They sure are. Which is why I can't get that invested in it. Gex don't have the chops or maturity to handle playing the "concerned" parents to a teen in trouble. They act and look like teenagers themselves. Todd and Blair are the ones who are going to end up having to carry the weight of this s/l.
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    As suspected <spoiler about NuJack> Empty Re: As suspected <spoiler about NuJack>

    Post by gmruss4 Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:46 pm

    Can't say that I like this turn of events. I Love Jack and I don't like the direction they are taking him. But they do it with Todd all the time so it stand to reason they would do it with his son too.
    Jason B.
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    As suspected <spoiler about NuJack> Empty Re: As suspected <spoiler about NuJack>

    Post by Jason B. Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:36 pm

    I just hope I like NuJack. This story actually has a decent premise and Austin Williams showed a decent amount of potential with it last week when he was curled up in a ball, unnerved and hopeless over the whole thing, but despite the potential it has, there are too many things that can go wrong. NuJack could tank. Rex/Gigi we already know are going to stink. The writers may not come correct with T&B's reactions to the whole thing.

    This could be REALLY good or REALLY bad.

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