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    Scoops & Spoilers

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    Scoops & Spoilers Empty Scoops & Spoilers

    Post by Chris Mon May 23, 2011 6:46 am

    One Life to Live Scoops & Spoilers
    Previews for the week of 23-May-2011
    by Carol Banks Weber

    • Todd makes his ire known about Tomas making himself at home at chez Todd.

    • Tea assumes Tomas will leave the premises, now that he’s free and clear of all charges.

    • Tomas orders Todd to continue allowing the free room and board. Or else.

    • Todd whips out his piece, aiming it at Tomas, meaning business. Tomas smirks.

    • Tomas assures Todd that he’s the Teflon man, so forget about it.

    • Todd astonishes Tea with his idea of letting Tomas hang.

    • Bo and Nora believe Tomas is up to something.

    • Brody grills the heck out of Tess, prompting Bess to come out and drop some bon-mots about Liam and … Todd.

    • John pumps Kelly for anything else she can recall involving Marty’s attack.

    • John and Kelly go over the Joey and Natalie thing, all things considered.

    • Brody puts Todd through the interrogative wringer.

    • Brody goes to John, hat in hand, quite penitent.

    • Brody returns to the scene of Todd, for more grilling.

    • Todd refuses Brody, but Tea opens up the home to the police officer to check out.

    • Brody finds nothing at Todd and Tea’s. But before he departs, the officer warns Todd he better phone in case Marty does pop up.

    • Todd avows to Tea that he is not involved in any Marty cover-up.

    • Marty uses her influence (and later, the Todd/Tomas secret she acquired) to gain the upperhand on Todd, and get him to aid and abet her fugitive status.

    • Marty gets wind of a computer disk that reveals all about Tomas and Todd. She uses it to get Todd and Tomas to play ball.

    • Todd goes along with Marty—on the surface.

    • Marty has taken refuge in Todd’s pool house with baby Liam.

    • John checks out Todd’s premises, as Marty makes herself scarce.

    • Todd acts oddly, even for Todd, which raises flags with Detective McBain.

    • John and Brody both agree that Todd’s acting like he’s guilty.

    • Brody discloses to Natalie that Todd may be involved in keeping Marty from the long arm of the law.

    • Natalie is disheartened to hear that Todd may be aiding and abetting Marty.

    • Roxy resorts to a psychic, to track down baby Liam for Natalie.

    • Starr drops a huge recommendation down on Blair.

    • Tomas broaches a reconciliation and a return to some loving with Blair, seeing as he’s not a marked man anymore.

    • Blair and Tomas have a meeting of the minds, and plan to have a meeting of the private parts when they book a Palace Hotel room.

    • Blair, Tomas, James and Starr find themselves all at the Palace in an uncomfortable position.

    • Blair and Tomas get mighty comfortable when—BAM!—the Todd anvil.

    • Todd summons Tomas over to deal with the Marty matter.

    • Todd alerts Tomas to the danger of Marty knowing too much.

    • Todd directs Tomas to delete Marty and fast.

    • Tomas prepares to make Marty a non-issue.

    • Matthew can’t believe Clint would front for him like that on live TV.

    • Matthew isn’t sure it’s right to let Clint fall on his sword, but Destiny does everything in her power to convince Matthew it is right.

    • Destiny tries to do damage control with blabbermouth Dani next.

    • Bo and Nora upset Matthew with Clint’s actual dire diagnosis.

    • Matthew plans to forge ahead with giving himself up to the fuzz.

    • Nate vents to Deanna about having to find out about Matthew sitting on the murder of Eddie by listening in on a conversation between his girlfriend Dani and Destiny.

    • Dani’s unexpected response to Clint’s publicly outing himself as Eddie’s killer … makes Nate take a few steps back.

    • Nate reads Dani the riot act for not coming to him with Matthew’s secret right off.

    • Before Matthew can make it to the door—to give himself up—he drops in a dead faint.

    • Bo and Nora spirit Matthew to the ER stat, suddenly very confused and scared.

    • Matthew’s shaky physical condition becomes a sudden cause for concern with his parents, Bo and Nora.

    • Bo and Nora notify Destiny about Matthew’s head pain, and maybe find out if she knows who/what caused it.

    • Destiny can barely hold on, after learning Matthew’s fate.

    • Bo and Nora stand watch as the crack medical team works on Matthew’s hemorrhaging brain.

    • Word gets back to Nate that Matthew is undergoing a serious do-or-die operation on his skull.

    • Deanna is the one person Nate feels safe enough around to talk freely about his inner turmoil regarding Matthew. Nate knows his punch delivered the fatal, final blow.

    • Deep down inside, Nate knows he’s gonna have to pay for what he did to Matthew.

    • Viki inquires of Clint the low-down on Eddie Ford’s murder, because Viki smells a conspiracy to protect Matthew.

    • Before Clint can say another word, Tea sweeps in with a Shh!

    • Tea articulates to Clint that she may be able to work the system so he skates with minimal prison time.

    • Tea has a bummer for Clint about Tess and Cutter’s marriage.

    • Ford bumps into someone he saw from before. He insists he’s reformed.

    • Tess cools her jets for Cutter when she gets a load of Ford at Capricorn all over another woman, and loving himself.

    • Tess makes a nuisance of herself in the middle of Ford and his date in a liplock.

    • Cutter leaves Tess twisting in the wind.

    • Cutter tries to shake Clint and Viki down for his ulterior gain. His terms: give me Asa’s mansion and a boatload of cheddar, and Tess can be committed.

    • Cutter wins the deal of a lifetime, but at Tess’s expense.

    • Tess is blindsided with a St. Ann’s commitment forthwith.

    • Cutter goes to Capricorn to pull a Judas on Tess.

    • They’re finally able to commit Tess into St. Ann’s against her will.

    • Tess tries to get Ford to save her from St. Ann’s…literally as they’re dragging her kicking and screaming out of Capricorn.

    • Clint feels an enormous sense of contrition for his sins.

    • Clint remains committed to going to the grave with his fatal heart diagnosis.

    • James maps out the perfect night of love for he and Starr. This must be when they run into Blair and Tomas at the Palace Hotel.

    • Starr and James tell each other how much they desire and maybe even love each other.

    • Joey finally has it out with Aubrey for her con artistry.

    • Aubrey maintains she loves Joey for real. It’s not a con. Joey doesn’t care anymore.

    • Joey tries to kick Aubrey out—until she pipes up that he can’t because of Ryder.

    • At some point, Joey and Aubrey come to the conclusion that they must legally stay wedded so Ryder isn’t shipped off to foster care.

    • Rama delivers full disclosure—she’s not carrying a baby—to her husband Vimal.

    • Next week: Matthew’s a goner… Clint’s gonna be a goner… Matthew’s loss is gonna be Clint’s gain… Matthew’s life support status bows Bo and Nora low… Marty finds out about Natalie surviving that terrible fall, shaking her head… One step forward, two steps back for John and Natalie, thanks to blabbermouth Roxy, who blabs to John about Nat smooching all over Brody the night before… Ford extends his compassion Shane’s way… Joey means to dump Aubrey for Kelly, as soon as he’s able…Aubrey and Rama throw down in a catfight.
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    Scoops & Spoilers Empty Re: Scoops & Spoilers

    Post by TSJFan4Ever Mon May 23, 2011 6:25 pm

    Thanks for posting, Chris. Can McVain have a story that is entirely his own or does he always have to cash in on Todd's storyline? I guess the baby switch was him, but every other storyline he's had, he's come in riding Todd's coattails and ended up making it all about him. Vomit

    ITA with Viki that Clint's covering for Matthew. This is TPTB's attempts to redeem Clint but in the process, they're ruining Nora even more because she's all ready to jump over Clint, while she sat on it when it was her own brat. Matthew murdered Eddie and Clint is covering for him but Nora only cares about helping her son get away with his crime, rather than the truth. The lawsmeans NOTHING to her.
    Forgiveness Man
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    Scoops & Spoilers Empty Re: Scoops & Spoilers

    Post by Forgiveness Man Mon May 23, 2011 6:38 pm

    They keep trying to imply that Matthew dies without saying that Matthew dies. I call red herring.
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    Scoops & Spoilers Empty Re: Scoops & Spoilers

    Post by TSJFan4Ever Mon May 23, 2011 6:53 pm

    Thanks for posting, Chris. Can McVain have a story that is entirely his own or does he always have to cash in on Todd's storyline? I guess the baby switch was him, but every other storyline he's had, he's come in riding Todd's coattails and ended up making it all about him. Vomit

    ITA with Viki that Clint's covering for Matthew. This is TPTB's attempts to redeem Clint but in the process, they're ruining Nora even more because she's all ready to jump over Clint, while she sat on it when it was her own brat. Matthew murdered Eddie and Clint is covering for him but Nora only cares about helping her son get away with his crime, rather than the truth. The lawsmeans NOTHING to her.
    Tony Marino
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    Scoops & Spoilers Empty Re: Scoops & Spoilers

    Post by Tony Marino Tue May 24, 2011 12:12 pm

    Thanks Chris. As usual they make Todd the bad guy and just how does Marty happen to get hold of a DVD about Todd and Tomas. For a girl on the run with a baby she sure has a lot of privileges.

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