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    Ever meet anyone famous?

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    Ever meet anyone famous? Empty Ever meet anyone famous?

    Post by Chris Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:00 am

    Do you know, ever met, or come face to face with anyone famous? If so, were you impressed?

    I've met:
    - El DeBarge (my older cousin knew their family)
    - John Salley (my uncle won tickets to a Piston's game back 1991, met him backstage.)
    - Chevy Chase (at a speaking engagement in 1999, shook his hand)

    From a close distance I've seen:
    - David Copperfield (stood in line for his autograph, no greeting.)
    - Montel Williams (he taped his talk show here once, sat in the crowd. Good seats though. Like fourth row.)
    - the guy who played the son with Down Syndrome on Life Goes On (when I was in NY ten years ago, saw him riding on the bus.)
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    Ever meet anyone famous? Empty Re: Ever meet anyone famous?

    Post by Nystyle709 Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:04 pm

    Chris wrote:Do you know, ever met, or come face to face with anyone famous? If so, were you impressed?

    - John Salley (my uncle won tickets to a Piston's game back 1991, met him backstage.)

    He's my cousin. Waaay down the line, but we're still cousins. I've met him and his family too. Once though.

    I've met:

    - Spike Lee. Of course you know who he is. I think I was walking down Madison or Park Ave, I'm not sure, but he was walking in the opposite direction and I recognized him and stopped him and was like "What up Spike! Big fan of your movies!". He smiled and shook my hand, said "thank you" and kept walking. I don't think he's as unapproachable as he may seem.
    - Dondre Whitfield. Played Terrance Frye on All My Children and Robert on The Cosby Show. He's from Brooklyn and he's the cousin of a friend of the family. Met him at a barbecue in BK way back in the '90's. I think it was like '93 or '94. Cool guy, very nice.
    - Rick James. Great musician. My dad was a HUGE fan of his back in the day. He went to his concert right after he got out of jail in '97....I didn't go to the concert but was hanging out in the city waiting for it to be over and I met up with my dad after it was over he got a chance to go backstage to meet him so I went. Just said a few hellos, he talked about his band and the new album he just put out and that was that. He had gotten big, almost didn't recognized him as the Rick James I grew up listening to, but he was cool as hell. RIP.
    - Charles Rangel. Very powerful Congressman from NY. Met him at a speaking engagement. Nice guy.
    - Gyptian. Reggae artist. Met him at a store signing.
    - KRS-One. Met him at Pathmark. I was at the checkout counter paying for my things, there was a woman behind me with a cart and he was behind that woman. He was buying Milano cookies and Haagen Daaz ice cream. Since he was only buying two things, the woman with the cart let him go in front of her and he paid for his stuff with a $100 bill and he told the cashier to give the change to the woman who let him through so he basically paid for her groceries. I was like 'damn, I should've been in front, he could've paid for my shit'. But he was mad cool, I said what's up to him and said his music was dope and he looked at me and was like 'you look a little too young to know who I am, you prob. know who Nelly is though'. He was half-joking though, because people know about that situation with him and I started naming his songs, recited a few lyrics, told him I know all about Scott La Rock and his BDP crew, The Bridge Wars, The Temple of Hip Hop and he was quite impressed. He asked how old I was and I told him I was 24 and then we chatted some more about hip hop, he talked about some concert he was trying to put together and that I should come thru when he gets it together and that was that. I bounced but he stayed because everyone was trying to talk to him.

    People I've seen in passing:

    - Rudy Guiliani. Former mayor of NY. Seen that cocksucker a few times out and about.
    - Sue Simmons. TV Anchorwoman, seen her get out of a cab.
    - Bruce Willis. I remember when they were filming Die Hard With A Vengeance in NYC in '94, went to visit my dad at work and we saw him filming one of his scenes.
    - Jeffrey Wright. Actor. Me and my friends were at the Brooklyn Moon, a restaurant in BK and we saw him there playing chess. He lives right in that area so he comes to all the restaurants, cafe/bars in that area. Funny thing, he had on a half shirt. No lie. It was like a mid-back shirt. He's a great actor though.
    - One of those Sex and the City bitches. I don't know which one my friend pointed her out to me. We saw her getting out of a cab.
    - Tony Yayo. Came into the T-Mobile store when I was in there with some dude.
    - Foxy Brown. Saw her back in '97 at Macy's. I think she was doing a some kind of promo there, wasn't really paying attention or that interested, although I do like Foxy.[b]
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    Ever meet anyone famous? Empty Re: Ever meet anyone famous?

    Post by Chris Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:53 pm

    Nystyle709 wrote:
    Chris wrote:Do you know, ever met, or come face to face with anyone famous? If so, were you impressed?

    - John Salley (my uncle won tickets to a Piston's game back 1991, met him backstage.)

    He's my cousin. Waaay down the line, but we're still cousins. I've met him and his family too. Once though.

    I've met:

    - Spike Lee. Of course you know who he is. I think I was walking down Madison or Park Ave, I'm not sure, but he was walking in the opposite direction and I recognized him and stopped him and was like "What up Spike! Big fan of your movies!". He smiled and shook my hand, said "thank you" and kept walking. I don't think he's as unapproachable as he may seem.
    - Dondre Whitfield. Played Terrance Frye on All My Children and Robert on The Cosby Show. He's from Brooklyn and he's the cousin of a friend of the family. Met him at a barbecue in BK way back in the '90's. I think it was like '93 or '94. Cool guy, very nice.
    - Rick James. Great musician. My dad was a HUGE fan of his back in the day. He went to his concert right after he got out of jail in '97....I didn't go to the concert but was hanging out in the city waiting for it to be over and I met up with my dad after it was over he got a chance to go backstage to meet him so I went. Just said a few hellos, he talked about his band and the new album he just put out and that was that. He had gotten big, almost didn't recognized him as the Rick James I grew up listening to, but he was cool as hell. RIP.
    - Charles Rangel. Very powerful Congressman from NY. Met him at a speaking engagement. Nice guy.
    - Gyptian. Reggae artist. Met him at a store signing.
    - KRS-One. Met him at Pathmark. I was at the checkout counter paying for my things, there was a woman behind me with a cart and he was behind that woman. He was buying Milano cookies and Haagen Daaz ice cream. Since he was only buying two things, the woman with the cart let him go in front of her and he paid for his stuff with a $100 bill and he told the cashier to give the change to the woman who let him through so he basically paid for her groceries. I was like 'damn, I should've been in front, he could've paid for my shit'. But he was mad cool, I said what's up to him and said his music was dope and he looked at me and was like 'you look a little too young to know who I am, you prob. know who Nelly is though'. He was half-joking though, because people know about that situation with him and I started naming his songs, recited a few lyrics, told him I know all about Scott La Rock and his BDP crew, The Bridge Wars, The Temple of Hip Hop and he was quite impressed. He asked how old I was and I told him I was 24 and then we chatted some more about hip hop, he talked about some concert he was trying to put together and that I should come thru when he gets it together and that was that. I bounced but he stayed because everyone was trying to talk to him.

    People I've seen in passing:

    - Rudy Guiliani. Former mayor of NY. Seen that cocksucker a few times out and about.
    - Sue Simmons. TV Anchorwoman, seen her get out of a cab.
    - Bruce Willis. I remember when they were filming Die Hard With A Vengeance in NYC in '94, went to visit my dad at work and we saw him filming one of his scenes.
    - Jeffrey Wright. Actor. Me and my friends were at the Brooklyn Moon, a restaurant in BK and we saw him there playing chess. He lives right in that area so he comes to all the restaurants, cafe/bars in that area. Funny thing, he had on a half shirt. No lie. It was like a mid-back shirt. He's a great actor though.
    - One of those Sex and the City bitches. I don't know which one my friend pointed her out to me. We saw her getting out of a cab.
    - Tony Yayo. Came into the T-Mobile store when I was in there with some dude.
    - Foxy Brown. Saw her back in '97 at Macy's. I think she was doing a some kind of promo there, wasn't really paying attention or that interested, although I do like Foxy.[b]

    Your list shits all over mine. You saw Guliani and Bruce Willis, and I saw the guy from Life Goes On. laughing
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    Ever meet anyone famous? Empty Re: Ever meet anyone famous?

    Post by RiteDiva Sat Jun 05, 2010 6:45 am

    I've seen Dan Rather, Bill Mayer, Nelly, Tony Thompson (from Hi-Five), Tracee Ellis Ross and Joy Behar.
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    Ever meet anyone famous? Empty Re: Ever meet anyone famous?

    Post by Nystyle709 Sat Jun 05, 2010 11:42 am

    RiteDiva wrote:I've seen Dan Rather

    Forgot about him, I've seen him passing too. Dan Rather was always my favorite journalist.
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    Ever meet anyone famous? Empty Re: Ever meet anyone famous?

    Post by Chris Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:14 am

    Cheaps a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    Ever meet anyone famous? Empty Re: Ever meet anyone famous?

    Post by Cheaps Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:22 am

    Chris wrote:
    - El DeBarge (my older cousin knew their family)

    faints you've met el debarge? wow thats awesome, his voice is like sex thru speakers
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    Ever meet anyone famous? Empty Re: Ever meet anyone famous?

    Post by Supernova Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:28 am

    No, but I am in correspondance with the doctor Patch Adams.
    (Oh!) Rob Petrie
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    Ever meet anyone famous? Empty Re: Ever meet anyone famous?

    Post by (Oh!) Rob Petrie Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:29 am

    Authors: David Sedaris and Stephen McCauley

    And I've met Mike Eruzione (hockey player) and Shawn Collins (90s one-hit-wonder).

    All of them were very sweet.
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    Ever meet anyone famous? Empty Re: Ever meet anyone famous?

    Post by Forgiveness Man Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:45 am

    Vincent Irizarry and some musicians. lol Oh yeah, and some talk show hosts.
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    Ever meet anyone famous? Empty Re: Ever meet anyone famous?

    Post by Nystyle709 Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:23 pm

    cheaps wrote:
    Chris wrote:
    - El DeBarge (my older cousin knew their family)

    Ever meet anyone famous? 225780 you've met el debarge? wow thats awesome, his voice is like sex thru speakers

    Too bad he got on them drugs......

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    Ever meet anyone famous? Empty Re: Ever meet anyone famous?

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