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    Todd and Jack today

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    Todd and Jack today Empty Todd and Jack today

    Post by Chris Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:23 am

    I liked that Jack wasn't giving Todd any leeway to bond with him, and was waiting for him to throw in his face the whole giving incident about Todd giving him away as a baby. In the meantime I thought it was a bit funny how instead of Todd being thankful that Victor Jr. did everything he could to keep Jack out of prison, he decided to act as sanctimonious about how he didn't raise him right. Seriously? The last time Todd was in town, Starr was a holy terror primed for a juvenile detention center. The irony.
    …is a Chamber Royal.
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    Todd and Jack today Empty Re: Todd and Jack today

    Post by TSJFan4Ever Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:03 am

    It really is ironic, isn't it? Shows what a total hyprocrite Todd isn't? What an absolute and total jerk! He really doesn't deserve those kids. Jack would have been even worse if he'd been around. In the short time he's back, he's wracked up numerous crimes - murder, assaults, kidnapping - par for the course with RH's Todd, it seems. At least VictorTodd felt guilty about what ScarTodd had done.

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