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Alan Smithee
Jason B.
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    How picky can the unemployed be when it comes to finding work?

    Jason B.
    Jason B.
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    How picky can the unemployed be when it comes to finding work? Empty How picky can the unemployed be when it comes to finding work?

    Post by Jason B. Sun Oct 16, 2011 4:35 pm

    A friend of a friend lost his job after the company downsized. Another company offered him the same position for four dollars less. He made about 20 dollars/hr before and was offered about 16 dollars/hr. He is collecting unemployment, but in some states unemployment ceases if you reject a job that you were eligible for unless it's for acceptable reasons. What are your thoughts on this?

    My understanding is that if you accept a lower waged job then it sets the precedent on how you will be paid for your next job. Others differ stating that if you improve your skills or receive more education and/or training you may get paid more in your next one.

    I had a coworker who laughed for days when he found out an employee had worked at a retail job before getting hired, and someone else said that some employers if they see on your resume that you worked at a non career related job may not hire you.

    Anyway back to the question...if you were unemployed, would you easily accept a pay rate below what they're used to for basically the same job?

    Cheaps a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    How picky can the unemployed be when it comes to finding work? Empty Re: How picky can the unemployed be when it comes to finding work?

    Post by Cheaps Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:18 pm

    .if you were unemployed, would you easily accept a pay rate below what they're used to for basically the same job?

    Yes, I have before, I'm not that picky. I need a job.
    Alan Smithee
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    How picky can the unemployed be when it comes to finding work? Empty Re: How picky can the unemployed be when it comes to finding work?

    Post by Alan Smithee Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:18 pm

    Jason B. wrote:A friend of a friend lost his job after the company downsized. Another company offered him the same position for four dollars less. He made about 20 dollars/hr before and was offered about 16 dollars/hr. He is collecting unemployment, but in some states unemployment ceases if you reject a job that you were eligible for unless it's for acceptable reasons. What are your thoughts on this?

    My understanding is that if you accept a lower waged job then it sets the precedent on how you will be paid for your next job. Others differ stating that if you improve your skills or receive more education and/or training you may get paid more in your next one.

    I had a coworker who laughed for days when he found out an employee had worked at a retail job before getting hired, and someone else said that some employers if they see on your resume that you worked at a non career related job may not hire you.

    Anyway back to the question...if you were unemployed, would you easily accept a pay rate below what they're used to for basically the same job?

    Yes. I'm not saying I would plan to stay there but it's easier to find a job when you have a job. As a matter of fact, many employers have now have a policy (wrongly) that they will only consider applicants that are currently employed. $16/hr isn't great but it's better than the max unemployment benefit of most states so damn skippy I'd take it while I kept looking.

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    How picky can the unemployed be when it comes to finding work? Empty Re: How picky can the unemployed be when it comes to finding work?

    Post by Bluesmama Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:25 pm

    Well, the title of the thread kinda' says it all. There are not enough jobs for each individual to match what they were making, so it's pare down or stay on unemployment.

    I never understood the concept of hiring someone still employed over one who was laid off but I've heard it for decades.

    If for some reason I lost my current job, I know I'd have to accept something much lower.
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    How picky can the unemployed be when it comes to finding work? Empty Re: How picky can the unemployed be when it comes to finding work?

    Post by AtownPeep Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:30 pm

    IMO anyone unemployed should expect some kind of pay decrease with their next job, especially in this economy. It's only when you're currently employed but entertaining other job offers that you can be cocky enough to demand the pay grade you're used to being matched or topped.
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    How picky can the unemployed be when it comes to finding work? Empty Re: How picky can the unemployed be when it comes to finding work?

    Post by Nystyle709 Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:27 am

    I think he's a dumbass and unless he wants to stay on unemployment and have that run out while he's looking for the job that will pay him what he wants and still not have any offers, he better take it.
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    How picky can the unemployed be when it comes to finding work? Empty Re: How picky can the unemployed be when it comes to finding work?

    Post by RedBedroom Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:28 pm

    I think that the only time I would refuse a pay cut vs. stay on unemployment is if I had significant expenses associated to leaving the house to work, such as daycare expenses or a long commute.

    But in this economy, going from $20 to $16 is likely the best that guy will do.

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    How picky can the unemployed be when it comes to finding work? Empty Re: How picky can the unemployed be when it comes to finding work?

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