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    Considering Learning a 2nd Language

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    Considering Learning a 2nd Language  Empty Considering Learning a 2nd Language

    Post by Marc™ Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:04 pm

    Somebody who is bi/multi-lingual.....recommend a 2nd language for me to learn....
    I took Spanish and French in HS, and although I liked French slightly more, I really didn't take to either.
    …is a Chamber DEITY.
    …is a Chamber DEITY.

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    Considering Learning a 2nd Language  Empty Re: Considering Learning a 2nd Language

    Post by RedBedroom Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:30 pm

    I would recommend Spanish over any language if you are doing it to make yourself more marketable. I began Spanish classes in October and was very surprised how much I did retain from high school.

    I got the shaft with this though...The Literacy Center has indefinitely postponed further sessions in 2011 due to low registration. So, it looks like I will have to wait until March to begin class again with another entity. Good luck to you in whichever language you choose.
    …is a Chamber Royal.
    …is a Chamber Royal.

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    Considering Learning a 2nd Language  Empty Re: Considering Learning a 2nd Language

    Post by TSJFan4Ever Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:29 am

    Spanish would be my choice if I were to learn a second language. I'm thinking about trying to learn it someday - just not sure when.

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