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Hyacinth Girl
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    Obscene phone calls

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    Obscene phone calls Empty Obscene phone calls

    Post by Chris Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:00 am

    Have you ever gotten an obscene phone call? If so, do you know who it was from? Have you, yourself, ever placed one?
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    Obscene phone calls Empty Re: Obscene phone calls

    Post by CeCe Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:07 am

    Gotten them, never placed one lol
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    Obscene phone calls Empty Re: Obscene phone calls

    Post by Cheaps Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:34 am

    Never received one, but I've made a few Smile
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    Obscene phone calls Empty Re: Obscene phone calls

    Post by Bluesmama Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:09 pm

    Yes, at least twice that I know of. And I knew exactly who one of them was.

    I've made prank calls but never obscene ones.
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    Obscene phone calls Empty Re: Obscene phone calls

    Post by Nhaiyel Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:10 pm

    I have been prank called before, but they weren't obscene.
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    Obscene phone calls Empty Re: Obscene phone calls

    Post by wants2laugh Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:02 pm

    in the days before caller ID yes. I remember my teen sis getting one and saying "you call that obscene? I hear better on HBO!"

    at slumber parties it was really fun... we used to call all of the parents of the boys we liked and make up some stupid story. That is what the movie "I know who you are and know what you did" that supernova kept talking about reminded me of! lol
    Hyacinth Girl
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    Obscene phone calls Empty Re: Obscene phone calls

    Post by Hyacinth Girl Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:20 pm

    wants2laugh wrote:in the days before caller ID yes. I remember my teen sis getting one and saying "you call that obscene? I hear better on HBO!"

    at slumber parties it was really fun... we used to call all of the parents of the boys we liked and make up some stupid story. That is what the movie "I know who you are and know what you did" that supernova kept talking about reminded me of! lol

    I think caller ID has put the kibosh on a lot of would-be prank callers, just because it can be seen who they are, or they can be "Star-69'd" and called right back.

    In the days before those modern technologies, I remember getting many prank calls, especially when I used to work at the local grocery store in the Courtesy Booth--we'd get young guys prank calling us to page a shopper named "Mike Hunt" because his kid was sick and he needed to get home. I used to tell them I'd page him as "Michael" Hunt and that ususally made them change their minds about having him paged at all. big grin
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    Obscene phone calls Empty Re: Obscene phone calls

    Post by Nystyle709 Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:46 pm

    I don't think I've ever been prank called, maybe once....but I've made a lot of them.
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    Obscene phone calls Empty Re: Obscene phone calls

    Post by Shale Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:12 am

    No obscene calls - guess ppl say 'what's the point.'

    The last prank call was made by my grandson while we were on a cruise ship.

    Got one of his adult voiced friends to call me saying he was ships security and they had my grandson in detention. They couldn't help cracking up before it went too long. I thot it was pretty creative - that they figured out what would most believable call to someone with a teen boy.
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    Obscene phone calls Empty Re: Obscene phone calls

    Post by FireIce918 Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:14 am

    When we were 13 my cousin had her own phone line. One time this guy called talking about, "So you have large tits? I love large tits. How much do you charge by the hour? Or do I get to have you for the whole day?"

    My cousin was like, "Um....I'm 13." Dude was like, "This isn't ###-##54?" No, it was ###-##45.

    Poor guy started stuttering. "O-O-O-OH MY GOD. I am SO sorry. The other number is for a hooker listed in the want ads. I'm SO sorry. I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" And hung up the phone LOL.
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    Obscene phone calls Empty Re: Obscene phone calls

    Post by Suzi Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:14 am

    Well before caller ID I got a couple, didn't know who they were and didn't care I simply hung up the minute the first bit of garbage was said. I still laugh at a friend of mine who got an obscene phone call, she realized it was young teens. So she sort of went along with it, until the moment was right and she got dirtier than they did and they hung up on her!
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    Obscene phone calls Empty Re: Obscene phone calls

    Post by Tony Marino Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:45 pm

    Yes and yes. As kids we used to play around on the phone and make different types of calls to certain people.
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    Obscene phone calls Empty Re: Obscene phone calls

    Post by CatEyes10736 Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:21 pm

    When I was in HS I used to have a BF who would jokingly prank call my phone while disguising his voice. I never did it back myself.
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    Obscene phone calls Empty Re: Obscene phone calls

    Post by wants2laugh Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:26 pm

    when my sis' hubby would go away on business and leave her with 3 small kids, there was a guy who used to call her. It was sooooo creepy cause he only called when her hubby was away, which meant that he was watching her. One call he said, "that baby on your lap is really cute!" she said something like, "you can't scare me, you can't see me"... and he said, "yeah i can, you are wearing a red sweater and the baby is wearing green". Turned out that it was a sickie in our neighbor that was terrorizing a few women with calls.

    The mike hunt message reminded me of something that happened at work. There is a filipino man at work named Fugi. The supervisor went to page him on the intercom, but didn't know his name. Someone told her that his last name was "Film". She did not even think and paged the man as "Fugi Film"--- no lie! these are the idiots that I work for!
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    Obscene phone calls Empty Re: Obscene phone calls

    Post by Alan Smithee Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:25 pm

    First I'm going to take off your dress...*pant* *pant*

    And then I'm going to take off your bra...*pant* *pant*

    And then I'm going to take off your shoes *whew* *whew*

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