"On Monday, February 15th, the blizzard on One Life to Live heats up -- which, scientifically, may sound impossible ... but once you see what happens to Rex, Gigi, and Stacy, you'll believe it. To celebrate this special show (which involves a disaster and a maybe-not-so-frozen lake), ABC.com will be showcasing an extra special version of the episode!
Starting the morning of February 16th, you can watch this episode in the ABC.com Full Episode Player -- like always -- but you will also have the option of viewing the episode featuring commentary by John-Paul Lavoisier (Rex) and Farah Fath (Gigi). Throughout the episode, John-Paul and Farah will pipe in with any thoughts they have about the episode, its taping, the writing, the effects involved (you'll see!), or anything else that crosses their minds. Think of it like the commentary you get on DVDs.
Make sure to visit the OLTL Full Episode Player at ABC.com starting Tuesday, February 16th to see this episode!"