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Jason B.
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    why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour?

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    why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour? Empty why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour?

    Post by aublack40 Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:14 am

    ever since i have watch todd and vicki learn that they were bro & sis she has been there for todd in his darkest moments. tptb really missed the boat on this one. their future scenes will seem tainted to me.
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    why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour? Empty Re: why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour?

    Post by pisces33 Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:24 am

    Because Viki has to play stupid sophomoric games with Dorian. It is not just Todd. Every time Jess could use some help, Viki takes off. RC likes to isolate everyone in their own little world.
    Jason B.
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    why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour? Empty Re: why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour?

    Post by Jason B. Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:37 am

    Who is this "Viki" person you speak of? The name sounds familiar, but I'm not putting my finger on it.
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    why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour? Empty Re: why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour?

    Post by TSJFan4Ever Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:06 am

    ITA - Viki's too busy messing with Dorian to know what Todd's going through - and she freaked out on him for not telling her about Jess/Tess when she was out of the country playing around.
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    why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour? Empty Re: why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour?

    Post by gmruss4 Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:41 pm

    I say it is pitiful poor writing. They think it is more imporant for her to squabble with Dorian over nothing and bore people to death.
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    why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour? Empty Re: why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour?

    Post by allison13 Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:59 pm

    Bad writing combined with ES's vacation time.
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    why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour? Empty Re: why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour?

    Post by TSJFan4Ever Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:19 pm

    I'm sure she'll come back and blame Todd for what's happened with Jess and Nat because he didn't tell her that the girls were going through a WTD crisis - nevermind the fact that she's taken off again and isn't there for any of her family when they need her.
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    why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour? Empty Re: why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour?

    Post by Tony Marino Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:44 pm

    I blame it all on the writers, they could have had a scene or two with ES and TSJ with Viki consoling her brother, and they had more then enough time before ES vacation.
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    why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour? Empty Re: why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour?

    Post by Pilaring Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:51 pm

    Tony Marino wrote:I blame it all on the writers, they could have had a scene or two with ES and TSJ with Viki consoling her brother, and they had more then enough time before ES vacation.

    Horrible very heavy handed writing, painting Todd as having no one but Blair to talk to about losing Tea.

    Viki returns Wednesday so we won't even get a Tea/Viki goodbye scene which sucks b/c they were truly always close. I am hoping we finally get Todd going to tell Viki that Tea is dying and left for a hospice. He needs his sis big time but I won't hold my breath b/c Viki is too busy propping up Dorian and David CRAP!
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    why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour? Empty Re: why isn't vicki involved in Todd's darkest hour?

    Post by Tony Marino Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:35 pm

    Pilaring wrote:

    Horrible very heavy handed writing, painting Todd as having no one but Blair to talk to about losing Tea.

    Viki returns Wednesday so we won't even get a Tea/Viki goodbye scene which sucks b/c they were truly always close. I am hoping we finally get Todd going to tell Viki that Tea is dying and left for a hospice. He needs his sis big time but I won't hold my breath b/c Viki is too busy propping up Dorian and David CRAP!

    Crap is accurate describing this ridiculous story line with D,D and V. Todd is always there for Viki in her crisis why would she not be there for him and Tea, especially since she likes Tea.

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