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    Country Strong

    …is an Up 'N Comer.
    …is an Up 'N Comer.

    Join date : 2010-03-02
    Posts : 203
    Rep : 4

    Country Strong Empty Country Strong

    Post by JWF Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:06 pm

    Poorly developed. It had very little direction and exhilaration. The script doesn't offer much about the characters. As a fan of country music and Gwyneth Paltrow I found this soap opera melodrama unconvincing and at times monotonous, especially the climactic ending.

    The plot centers around a country Grammy type superstar entertainer who has lost it in the bottle. She leaves rehab much too early, as her husband (an awful Tim McGraw) wants her to begin a tour comeback. Along for the ride we also meet two up and coming singers ( Garrett Hedlund and Leighton Meester), which develops into a romantic entanglement, of some sort. It hard to explain the film, as little is explained to us.

    That said, I must admit the film does have some good music and production sets. When they let Paltrow do her thing she can come-off with a nice pair of lungs, besides looking great in those stage outfits.


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