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    Food Stamps

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    Food Stamps Empty Food Stamps

    Post by Marc™ Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:37 am

    What's your opinion of food stamps? Should there be a limitation on things (products/brands) that they can be spent on....and should people who buy items with them get cash back from their purchase?
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    Food Stamps Empty Re: Food Stamps

    Post by CeCe Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:49 am

    I think there are some limitations. I don't think you can buy any non food items. There shouldn't be brand limitations at all imo. And no, under no circumstances should there be a cash back option.
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    Food Stamps Empty Re: Food Stamps

    Post by Marc™ Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:54 am

    I was reading another forum where someone said that while in line at the grocery store, a lady paid with food stamps....and the cashier wound up giving her cash back from the purchase. That shocked me, I didn't know people on food stamps could get money back like that.
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    Food Stamps Empty Re: Food Stamps

    Post by CeCe Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:00 pm

    Marc™ wrote:I was reading another forum where someone said that while in line at the grocery store, a lady paid with food stamps....and the cashier wound up giving her cash back from the purchase. That shocked me, I didn't know people on food stamps could get money back like that.

    I wonder if maybe it was one of those social security or SSI cards..I think they look alike or very similar? I know back when they had the paper food stamps people got the coin change back. But that was eliminated when they went electronic. Unless things have changed.
    Alan Smithee
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    Food Stamps Empty Re: Food Stamps

    Post by Alan Smithee Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:15 pm

    I just asked Mrs. Smithee who used to work for for a grocery store chain. She said "change" for food stamp purchases were given in, of all things, food stamps. That was probably more than 10 years ago but she also said that now, the food stamps are like a debit card that is swiped so no change is due anyway. Also that there were (are) limitations on purchases. They can only be used for food but not pre-prepared food like a sandwich from the deli counter. No shampoo, etc. and no liquor or cigarettes. It’s a state requirement here so other jurisdictions may have other rules.
    Nystyle709 a 20G Chamber DIETY. a 20G Chamber DIETY.

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    Food Stamps Empty Re: Food Stamps

    Post by Nystyle709 Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:48 pm

    Anybody who needs them should have them. Nobody should ever go hungry. And no, I don't think there needs to be limitations, food wise, on what you can buy. Bloomberg is trying to stop people from buying soda and sugar with their stamps here in NY. He's getting nuttier by the day.
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    Food Stamps Empty Re: Food Stamps

    Post by Nystyle709 Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:51 pm

    Marc™ wrote:I was reading another forum where someone said that while in line at the grocery store, a lady paid with food stamps....and the cashier wound up giving her cash back from the purchase. That shocked me, I didn't know people on food stamps could get money back like that.

    I doubt she gave her change back from her stamps. I don't know how it is in other places, but in NY....if you're on welfare and you get food stamps....they put the money and the stamps on a debit like card. So if you're buying something from the store, if you want cash back, you'll have to buy the food with your money on the card and then get the cash. So that's prob. what she was doing.
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    Food Stamps Empty Re: Food Stamps

    Post by RedBedroom Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:12 am

    I honestly don't understand how a market setting can have registers that say "no" to food stamps for liquor and cigs, but can't for soda and candy.

    When my son had strep, we were at SuperWalmart to get his RX and popsicles and icecreams. I felt like I was spending willy nilly to give him a nice selection since he was ill. The chick in front of my had a TON of junk that she paid for with an EBT card. That made me feel sick....not fair or appropriate.
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    Food Stamps Empty Re: Food Stamps

    Post by Marc™ Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:39 am

    Interesting comments. I have no idea how this works.

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