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Alan Smithee
femme fatale
Tony Marino
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    What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold?

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    What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold? Empty What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold?

    Post by RobbieFTW Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:56 am

    For me it's heat. I can take being cold a little longer but baking just makes me wanna kneel over and pass out! Which would you rather NOT deal with, extreme chill or extreme heat?
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    What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold? Empty Re: What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold?

    Post by CeCe Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:00 am

    For me it would be cold. I can barely function in cold weather. In the winter I even dry off in the shower so I don't step out into that rude awakening.

    Then I swear I won't complain when summer gets here. But I always do. lol
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    What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold? Empty Re: What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold?

    Post by Marc™ Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:13 am

    CeCe wrote:For me it would be cold. I can barely function in cold weather. In the winter I even dry off in the shower so I don't step out into that rude awakening.

    Then I swear I won't complain when summer gets here. But I always do. lol

    co-signs Cold is definitely worse.
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    What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold? Empty Re: What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold?

    Post by Cheaps Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:16 am

    extreme heat.. i CANT stand heat, dont like to sweat, ugh.
    Tony Marino
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    What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold? Empty Re: What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold?

    Post by Tony Marino Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:21 am

    I would rather be cold than hot, I am hot all the time and that is why the humid summers here kill me.
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    What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold? Empty Re: What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold?

    Post by sailorlover Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:33 am

    Cold, defiantly! You can only put so many layers on before you are not able to walk. In the heat, you can basically strip down to nothing but a swimsuit or birthday suit in your house. I love the heat, maybe that's why I love living in Florida.
    femme fatale
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    What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold? Empty Re: What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold?

    Post by femme fatale Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:41 am

    I can't take super cold weather. That's the worse for me and I also get cold very easily. Even when it's not really that cold for everyone else.
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    What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold? Empty Re: What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold?

    Post by Nystyle709 Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:21 pm

    RobbieFTW wrote:For me it's heat. I can take being cold a little longer but baking just makes me wanna kneel over and pass out! Which would you rather NOT deal with, extreme chill or extreme heat?

    Yep. Heat for me too. Ironically, spring/summer is my favorite time of the year. But being too damn hot, too hot to do anything......I can't take it. I gotta find some A/C quick. At least when it's cold, you can put on layers and do whatever you need to to get warmer. When it's hot, you can take off all of your clothes and still be miserable.
    Alan Smithee
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    What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold? Empty Re: What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold?

    Post by Alan Smithee Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:17 pm

    I'm not crazy about either extreme but I'd rather walk around in shorts and a T-shirt than layers of clothing.
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    What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold? Empty Re: What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold?

    Post by Supernova Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:01 pm

    I really can't stand either extreme but I'd rather take the summer heat over the winter cold because I can move better in a tank top, shorts and sandals than in jeans, two shirts, a coat, boots, gloves, etc. Although it's easier to fall asleep when it's cold than it is when it's hot, but when it's hot, if we don't have the air on and don't have the pool up I can just strip down, get in the shower or the tub real quick and turn on the cold taps for a minute and be good for a while, whereas it takes a long time to get warm.
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    What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold? Empty Re: What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold?

    Post by (Oh!) Rob Petrie Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:08 am

    Heat sucks. You can always warm yourself up-- you can't cool yourself down.
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    What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold? Empty Re: What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold?

    Post by Kral Wed Apr 13, 2011 2:44 am

    Being too cold. I can barely function in the winter and have virtually no outside social life because I refuse to tolerate the cold air longer than I absolutely HAVE to.
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    What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold? Empty Re: What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold?

    Post by TSJFan4Ever Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:58 am

    Cold is worse for me because it's harder to function - I'm thinking of cold as in it's cold enough that I"m shivering. Heat is uncomfortable but I can deal with it a lot more than cold.

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    What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold? Empty Re: What's worse for you: being too hot or being too cold?

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