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Forgiveness Man
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    Gay kissing, affection, and love scenes on network television: you thoughts.

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    Gay kissing, affection, and love scenes on network television: you thoughts. - Page 2 Empty Re: Gay kissing, affection, and love scenes on network television: you thoughts.

    Post by captainbryce Fri May 06, 2011 4:52 pm

    Forgiveness Man wrote:@Bryce:

    If somebody is close-minded enough to believe me a bigot because somebody called me a homophobe for whatever
    That's NOT why anybody would think you were a bigot and that's a very clever way of actually avoiding the issue altoghether. It doesn't matter if I call you a bigot or if anyone else does. What matters is whether or not people precieve you to be one based on the things that YOU say. And that is the situation with you. Stop trying to blame ME for you saying bigotted things! If you don't want to come off as a bigot, then don't say bigotted things (which you routinely do on a regular basis as I've already pointed out). It's not me trying to make you look bad, it's YOU making yourself look bad and me pointing out (to you) just how bad you made yourself look.

    Forgiveness Man wrote:The thing is Bryce, the majority of people I encounter do respect me and do care about what I have to say. I have no problem admitting that I am wrong but the problem is that I don't admit I am wrong because somebody tells me that I am.
    We have only your word to do off of. I'm not willing to pass judgement over you and how the majority of people you allegedly encounter view you. The only thing I can speak to is how you are percieved HERE and only based on the things that you say. THAT'S IT! And I'm telling you (as have many others) that you are often wrong, and that you present yourself as a bigot without even realizing it. There is such a thing as constructive criticism, and if you're not willing to listen to the people you interact with, then you don't complain about them when you offend them and they call you out on it. As far as I'm concerned (and indeed many others here from the looks of it), you've made it your mission to intentionally offend people of a certain demographic. I don't care if that was your intention or not, the fact is that's what you've done. And you have this "I don't care" attitude about yourself that makes people here respect you even less (regardless of what the majority of people you encounter claim). All I'm saying is don't complain about people "ganging up on you", "insulting you" or "being against you" when you don't care how you come off to them. Respect is something that is earned and the bottom line is you haven't earned any respect here because you lack humility and don't recognize constructive criticism. Everytime someone tells you WHY that is the case, you blow them off and act like you've never done anything wrong. And like I said before, as long as you continue to do that, nobody here is going to respect you. It's all up to YOU!

    Forgiveness Man wrote:(And I most certainly don't do it because somebody doesn't like my opinion.)
    Well you SHOULD! Especially when your opinion is either just flat out WRONG, or if you intentionally obscure your true opinion because you aren't prepaired to explain/defend it. Either way, HERE you have a serious problem recognizing and admitting to being wrong.

    So I can admit when I am wrong just fine. I've gladly admitted to people who've actually taken time to prove it rather than just call me names and try to snobbishly "educate" me.
    I've already proven you to be wrong because I explained to you how your comments were precieved as homophobic. You didn't even make an ATTEMPT to justify them BECAUSE YOU CAN'T. That proves that you are wrong! Instead of saying "You know what, you're right! There is no reason why I should roll my eyes MORE when a homosexual couple is kissing vs a heterosexual couple because they are both equally bad". You could have said that at ANY TIME but instead you deflected the question and acted like you said nothing that should be preceived as homophobic. So your statement as far as everyone can see here is a LIE! You WERE wrong, you WERE proven wrong, and you continue to deny/ignore that! You haven't apologised nor have you haven't explained your comment. All you did was get defensive and play the vitim!

    Forgiveness Man wrote:Well if you think you're embarrassing me or putting me in my place, you're worse off than I thought.
    You know what FM, I DIDN'T think that I was embarrassing you. In fact, I already knew what your response would be before you responded. The point is, you SHOULD be embarrassed, and if you're not that only demonstrates that you don't understand your fault or the constructive criticizm that was given to you. The fact is, I'm embarrassed for you (and I'm sure a few others here are also).

    Forgiveness Man wrote:I notice yet again you don't even discuss the topic at hand. lol I'm going to start speculating if you keep it up. Razz
    I have discussed the topic at hand by asking you to clarify/clean up your comments. There is nothing to speculate. If you've been following my comments I think I've made my position very clear on how I feel about the topic at hand. The purpose of many of these threads is to incite debate (in case you didn't know), and that's what I have done. The topic at hand (just to clarify) revolves around a disconnect between how people view heterosexual activity on television vs homosexual activity on television. You made it clear that homosexual activity is WORSE. Then I asked you to explain that and you avoided the question with a BS response. That's basically what happened! If you want to "discuss the topic at hand" further, then do us all a favor and explain WHY you would roll your eyes MORE if a homosexual couple is kissing on TV than if a heterosexual couple was? If you're not prepaired to talk about that, then don't complain about me avoiding the topic at hand okay. love you
    Forgiveness Man
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    Gay kissing, affection, and love scenes on network television: you thoughts. - Page 2 Empty Re: Gay kissing, affection, and love scenes on network television: you thoughts.

    Post by Forgiveness Man Fri May 06, 2011 5:14 pm

    Geez, you really love to see yourself talk.

    My opinion is WRONG? ;o Yeah, yeah, we heard you the first zillion times with your trolling bully "your opinion is wrong. You should be embarrassed" comments. Please. I should not be embarrassed and my opinion is NOT wrong, and you've yet to prove otherwise.

    And BTW, I didn't avoid anything. I clarified but my answer didn't suit your needs, hence we get another long soapbox where you yammer on about how bad I am and how great you are. boring I think you need the Communications class, not me. Now it's time for me to predict what kind of snobby comeback you'll come up with. Maybe you do love me and this is your way of trying to get my attention. It seems like every now and then you just can't resist the urge to engage me. Razz (If I was really half as bad as you say, a mature person like yourself wouldn't be talking to me still) At least I'll start to think this if you keep this up. These long-winded posts trying to convince me to think like you, it's like you want me to spend time with you in any way possible. lol So let's see what the "great" Bryce is gonna say next to tell us how horrible the evil FM is.

    BTW Chris, if not answering with the majority is now going to get you called names, maybe we should state that in the rules cause it seems like expressing opinions people don't like just isn't something certain people can take.
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    Gay kissing, affection, and love scenes on network television: you thoughts. - Page 2 Empty Re: Gay kissing, affection, and love scenes on network television: you thoughts.

    Post by captainbryce Fri May 06, 2011 5:36 pm

    Forgiveness Man wrote:Geez, you really love to see yourself talk.

    My opinion is WRONG?
    On this subject, and based on what I previously said, YES you're opinion is WRONG. And by "wrong", I mean not consistent with facts, truth, or reality as demonstrated.

    Forgiveness Man wrote:I clarified but my answer didn't suit your needs, hence we get another long soapbox where you yammer on about how bad I am and how great you are.
    YOU DIDN'T ANSWER THE QUESTION! You "clarified something that you weren't being asked about". I asked you about your "roll your eyes MORE comment" and to that you never explained! So you DID avoid it by "clarifiying" something unrelated to the actual question!

    Forgiveness Man wrote:(If I was really half as bad as you say, a mature person like yourself wouldn't be talking to me still) At least I'll start to think this if you keep this up.
    Uh, no you got that backwards my friend. A "mature" person would actually try to help you present yourself in a better way than you have been. An immature person is someone who flees confrontation and ignores idiocy with a defeatist attitude!

    Forgiveness Man wrote:These long-winded posts trying to convince me to think like you, it's like you want me to spend time with you in any way possible. lol So let's see what the "great" Bryce is gonna say next to tell us how horrible the evil FM is.
    You're very conceited to think that everythings is just about you. I would have responded the same way if Chris, Tony, Marc or CatEyes had made that comment. The fact is, it was YOU who made it and therefore I responded to you. You aren't important in any other way as far as this discussion is concerned.

    Forgiveness Man wrote:BTW Chris, if not answering with the majority is now going to get you called names, maybe we should state that in the rules cause it seems like expressing opinions people don't like just isn't something certain people can take.
    Here is why running to Chris isn't going to work. For one thing, nobody called you a name unjustly. If a neo-nazi skinhead came on here and said that white power is the way of the future and I said that he sounded like a racist by saying that, I'm not "calling him a name", I'm speaking the truth and giving him the oppertunity to recant himself. You are acting like I sit here all day long and think up unreasonable names to call you because I have some vendetta against you. That's a conceit! And yes, I can call you conceited too when you demonstrate that you are. I haven't cursed at you, I haven't used derogatory language at you and I to be honest, I've gone out of my way to avoid insulting you as best I can. Certainly no more than you have me! Your comment was insulting and you refused to acknowledge that. So it was in fact you who started with the insults! You see Chris is a very reasonable administrator and he knows when people are violating the rules and when they aren't. Speaking of maturity, maybe YOU should check to see what the rules actually are instead of complaining to the powers that be when you THINK others are being unfair to you?

    Assuming you're not going to ever truly explain or clarify your comment, I'm going to rest here and let you have the last word. You can't win without doing that, so there is really no point in us going back and forth forever.
    Forgiveness Man
    Forgiveness Man
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    Gay kissing, affection, and love scenes on network television: you thoughts. - Page 2 Empty Re: Gay kissing, affection, and love scenes on network television: you thoughts.

    Post by Forgiveness Man Fri May 06, 2011 5:43 pm

    Demonstrated my foot. lol All you are demonstrating is that you like long posts. Razz

    If I didn't answer your questions, it may be because I skim your posts now since I have determined that little of what you say is of any substance. (Let alone any relevance to the topic usually being discussed.)

    If you are trying to help me present myself in a better way, if THIS is your efforts at that, then I implore you to not pursue this as a profession. (And you could also be more considerate and not hijack threads to do it in. I guess I could take this as my cue to ignore you completely from now on so we avoid this. Razz ) Of course, usually it's only the few leftist posters here who have a problem with how I present myself. Elsewhere, people of many different beliefs have little issue with how I present myself. Maybe it's just a Liberal Chamber Member's petpeeve. Razz

    I am not conceited. I don't think anything is about me unless people quote me and mention me by name. lol If this isn't about me, great. I apologize for responding and I will move on. Smile (And if this isn't about me, if "helping me present myself better" isn't about me, great. Then conversation is over. Razz )\

    I ain't running to Chris. lol I just notice that we ask questions on here and you seem to like calling me names for my response. And yes, you do call me them unjustly. (But I guess you would naturally be blind to your own bigotry. Wink ) I have checked to see what the rules are. Last time I checked, differing opinions were welcomed. I don't have to "run" to anybody. lol But you still felt the need to respond to that part anyway despite it being directed at Chris. lol Yeah, you definitely like the sight of your words. Razz
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    Gay kissing, affection, and love scenes on network television: you thoughts. - Page 2 Empty Re: Gay kissing, affection, and love scenes on network television: you thoughts.

    Post by (Oh!) Rob Petrie Fri May 06, 2011 6:05 pm


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