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    The Pilot Episode.

    …is a Chamber DEITY.
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    The Pilot Episode. Empty The Pilot Episode.

    Post by Marc™ Wed May 11, 2011 2:47 am

    Thanks for the link to the pilot episode Tony. I watched it and liked what I saw. The story begins as this sort of slow burn and creates an intrigue that left me wanting to learn more. I thought I saw the pilot before, but I don't remember seeing I'm guessing what I saw was another early episode a few years ago. I didn't realize it was set under the guise of a high school drama.

    I got a kick out of the cemetery scene where Elena cuts herself, and Stefan see's her blood and has to fight himself to not act on temptation. It was a bit off putting to see Jenna alive and well....knowing what her final fate becomes. I don't know if I liked Ian Somerholder's character....I've seen him in other things, and I hardly ever like his characters because they tend to be dark, narcissistic and vapid....and that's how he seems here too...but I'm intrigued by the overall premise of the show, so maybe the more I learn about his character, the more I'll like him.

    Interesting show though. Again it's noticeably different from True Blood. More serious and subtle. Resisting the urge to go to wikipedia and spoil my ignorance.

    Now onto episode 2.
    Tony Marino
    Tony Marino
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    The Pilot Episode. Empty Re: The Pilot Episode.

    Post by Tony Marino Wed May 11, 2011 1:44 pm

    Have you found episode 2? You get to eventually understand and like Ian sommerholder's character, I didn't like him in the beginning either but he grows on you and he changes a little bit. Jenna didn't know anything about what was going on till shortly before she was turned and killed. I am still hoping they will resurrect her someway.
    …is a Chamber DEITY.
    …is a Chamber DEITY.

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    The Pilot Episode. Empty Re: The Pilot Episode.

    Post by Marc™ Wed May 11, 2011 3:14 pm

    Yeah. I found episode 2 on this website.

    Don't click on may give you another virus (when I found it, a bunch of pop up windows opened that I had to close down before the video started to stream.)

    Haven't watched it yet, but will later on.
    Tony Marino
    Tony Marino
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    The Pilot Episode. Empty Re: The Pilot Episode.

    Post by Tony Marino Wed May 11, 2011 3:43 pm

    Ok cool. Hope you like it.
    Tony Marino
    Tony Marino
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    The Pilot Episode. Empty Re: The Pilot Episode.

    Post by Tony Marino Thu May 19, 2011 4:39 pm

    They might be starting to show the 2nd season of Vampire Diaries again tonight.

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