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    Discussing Homosexuality in Schools - Yay or Nay?

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    Discussing Homosexuality in Schools - Yay or Nay? Empty Discussing Homosexuality in Schools - Yay or Nay?

    Post by Chris Sat Jan 30, 2010 11:21 am

    In 2006, a school district in Montgomery County, Maryland was being sued by a parent's group, “Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum”, because of a program by the school district to add education about homosexuality to the curriculum for sex education for eighth graders. The parents' group objects, in particular, to the program's teaching students that condoms SHOULD be used if engaging in anal sex and the teaching that homosexuality “is not a choice”. The parents' group claims it is unfair to tell eighth graders that they do not have a choice to become heterosexual in the future if they should choose to do so. The group OBJECTS to the teaching that condoms SHOULD be used for anal sex on the grounds of their claim that ALL condom packages contain a claim that condoms are not intended for anal sex and should not be used for such purpose. The parents' group contends that anal sex is more dangerous than smoking and that anal sex should be discouraged in sex ed classes as a highly dangerous behavior.

    The Maryland school district had a pilot program in place which allowed the free discussion of homosexuality in existing sex education classes, prior to implementing the planned program of specific instruction about homosexuality.. The parents' group's lawsuit has put a stop to any discussion of homosexuality in sex education classes in the Montgomery Co., MD school district.

    Tom W. Smith of the University of Chicago's “Opinion Research Center” reports that Americans are divided on the teaching of homosexuality in sex education classes in public schools:

    25% of Americans believe the subject of homosexuality is taboo and should never be mentioned in public schools.

    33% of Americans believe it is okay to discuss homosexuality in public schools only if it is emphasized that homosexuality is immoral and inappropriate behavior. This group tends to be rural and southern.

    25% of Americans favor the discussion of homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle in public schools. This group tends to be located demographically in the Northeast and is more like to urban, young, and highly educated.

    The remainder of Americans surveyed expressed a viewpoint somewhere between the above three groups.

    The above was the discussion on NPR's “Talk of the Nation” for Thursday, 16 February 2006. You can listen to the program here:
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    Discussing Homosexuality in Schools - Yay or Nay? Empty Re: Discussing Homosexuality in Schools - Yay or Nay?

    Post by RobbieFTW Sat Dec 04, 2010 8:51 pm

    I think it should be. School is supposed to prepare people for real life and in real there ARE gay people. As for discussing in Sex Ed? While issues relating to human sexuality and safer sex methods are talked about, it wouldn't hurt to make reference of mf/mm/ff intimacy in a casual, book smart way. Doesn't have to be anything explicit.
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    Discussing Homosexuality in Schools - Yay or Nay? Empty Re: Discussing Homosexuality in Schools - Yay or Nay?

    Post by Shale Sat Dec 04, 2010 9:42 pm

    Well the demographics are no surprise. Southern, poorly educated, ignorant bigots want to perpetuate some myth that worked for them since the dark ages. Those with more cosmopolitan education and live where gay ppl are not terrorized into a closet think reality should be part of a teens sex ed.

    I hate that ppl are able to intimidate public schools into teaching foolishness and lies instead of simple facts that are known in the real world. Yes, I think homosexuality should be discussed in sex ed.
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    Discussing Homosexuality in Schools - Yay or Nay? Empty Re: Discussing Homosexuality in Schools - Yay or Nay?

    Post by Forgiveness Man Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:32 pm

    What is there to "teach" about homosexuality? xD I mean one can argue that we need to educate people on religion in public schools as well since there ARE religious people in real life who don't fit the stereotypes. There ARE all kinds of people in the real world that education doesn't have specific course sections for.

    School's purpose is to prepare children for the real world? Maybe they should focus on teaching what they already teach better before they start venturing out into new territory. The failures to meet basic education needs of students tells me that schools aren't ready to talk about anything more.
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    Discussing Homosexuality in Schools - Yay or Nay? Empty Re: Discussing Homosexuality in Schools - Yay or Nay?

    Post by RedBedroom Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:19 pm

    I think that in the matter of discussing safe sex, it should all be discussed on how to be safe. Anal and oral sex is part of that and so it should be discussed.

    I don't think that a whole lot beyond that should be discussed. I remember in my family life class, the teacher got into detail about female and male orgasms and how and why they happen. I don't think kids need to hear that no matter if it is in reference to heterosexual or homosexual couples. There was also a lot she went on about in saying things about how important sex is to maintain a healthy marriage. After I was out of school, I looked back on that and don't think that all that stuff was necessary.

    I do think that parents should have the right to opt out of having their child partaking in any sex ed. I wouldn't have my son not attend, but I understand that some parents would rather it be spoken about at home. And I know that a lot of kids would miss out on it that need it, but it still should be up to the parents.
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    Discussing Homosexuality in Schools - Yay or Nay? Empty Re: Discussing Homosexuality in Schools - Yay or Nay?

    Post by captainbryce Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:31 pm

    Chris wrote:The parents' group objects, in particular, to the program's teaching students that condoms SHOULD be used if engaging in anal sex
    This I would tend to agree with because that level of detail is unnecessary. Condoms should be used when engaging in ANY type of penetration to prevent the spread of STD's. A responsible curriculum would include condom usage at all times so there is no need to specify its use during anal sex (regardless of orientation or gender).

    Chris wrote:and the teaching that homosexuality “is not a choice”. The parents' group claims it is unfair to tell eighth graders that they do not have a choice to become heterosexual in the future if they should choose to do so.
    And this is where the group is wrong. I would argue that it's unfair to lie to children and tell them that sexuality is a choice. That is one of the reasons why gay kids grow up confused about themselves and tormented socially. The sooner they come to the realization that they are gay AND that there is nothing wrong with it, the better off they are. Teaching anything contrary to this is A) a form of denial and B) not in the best interests of the child's social development at that age.

    Chris wrote:The group OBJECTS to the teaching that condoms SHOULD be used for anal sex on the grounds of their claim that ALL condom packages contain a claim that condoms are not intended for anal sex and should not be used for such purpose. The parents' group contends that anal sex is more dangerous than smoking and that anal sex should be discouraged in sex ed classes as a highly dangerous behavior.
    This is UTTERLY RIDICULOUS. The aim here isn't to tell children what and what not to do. It's to educate them in proper protection and ensure that they are prepared WHEN they make whatever decisions they are going to make. Forgetting the fact that "abstinance only" is a ridiculous and unrealistic approach to "sex ed" (actually they should call it sex avoidance and sex ignorance) but you simply cannot tell a gay child NOT to grow up gay! Guess what, gay people have anal sex whether their parents wanted them to or not. So do straight people. Get over it! Better prepare with knowledge and protection than frighten and confuse them with lectures.

    Chris wrote:25% of Americans believe the subject of homosexuality is taboo and should never be mentioned in public schools.
    These 25% represent the the homophobic and the ignorant.

    Chris wrote:33% of Americans believe it is okay to discuss homosexuality in public schools only if it is emphasized that homosexuality is immoral and inappropriate behavior. This group tends to be rural and southern.
    These 33% are the religious types that want to force their beliefs on everyone else.

    Chris wrote:25% of Americans favor the discussion of homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle in public schools. This group tends to be located demographically in the Northeast and is more like to urban, young, and highly educated.
    These 25% are the progressing, intellegent, responsible and realistic types.

    Chris wrote:The remainder of Americans surveyed expressed a viewpoint somewhere between the above three groups.
    This remainder represents the SHEEP who go with the flow and change with the majority.

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    Discussing Homosexuality in Schools - Yay or Nay? Empty Re: Discussing Homosexuality in Schools - Yay or Nay?

    Post by captainbryce Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:39 pm

    Forgiveness_Man wrote:What is there to "teach" about homosexuality?
    That it exists, that it's normal, that it's okay, that it's wrong to discriminate against them and that this is something that one discovers around puberty/early adolescence, etc.

    Forgiveness_Man wrote:I mean one can argue that we need to educate people on religion in public schools as well since there ARE religious people in real life who don't fit the stereotypes.
    Sure, one COULD argue that. One could also argue that this is already done to some extent in school when different cultures are discussed in history class. I see no problem with educating people on common religions. I do see a problem with incorporating elements of religion into school (ie: prayer) as well as teaching religious beliefs as "science" (ie: creationism)

    Forgiveness_Man wrote:School's purpose is to prepare children for the real world? Maybe they should focus on teaching what they already teach better before they start venturing out into new territory.
    Maybe part of the reason education is such a failure in the first place is BECAUSE they don't teach what is important in today's society.

    Forgiveness_Man wrote:The failures to meet basic education needs of students tells me that schools aren't ready to talk about anything more.
    It tells me the opposite. It in fact says that they need to get with the program, revamp the system and focus on what actually benefits the majority of students and the best way to teach them. Unless you are talking about mathematics, simply sticking to textbooks written in 1966 for 40 years isn't exactly the best way to prepare students for life TODAY.
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    Discussing Homosexuality in Schools - Yay or Nay? Empty Re: Discussing Homosexuality in Schools - Yay or Nay?

    Post by wesley Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:07 pm

    If they are going to teach sex education, they might as well teach about homosexuality too, otherwise they are just picking and choosing. You can't say you want kids to have the information and then cover up one basic aspect of sexuality. That is just discriminating against the gays and making them feel like they don't exist or that they are not normal and there is something wrong with them.

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