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    Jessica what has come over you?

    Tony Marino
    Tony Marino
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    Jessica what has come over you? Empty Jessica what has come over you?

    Post by Tony Marino Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:36 pm

    Why did they have to dumb this girl down? Yesterday, with the cell phone incident why didn't Jessica insist they leave the curtains open and why didn't she wait until Mitch and Nurse Misery were asleep before making the call??? All she would have had to do was leave the cell phone on and they could have tracked her to where she was. Oh but wait, then we would not get to see the upcoming storyline where Jessica regresses back to her high school days!
    Chamber Admin.
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    Jessica what has come over you? Empty Re: Jessica what has come over you?

    Post by Chris Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:38 pm

    She's becoming nothing but a simpering victim, which is sad considering who her mother is. I always assumed that the whole point of the Jessica character was to succeed Viki, but (aside from multiple personalities) I am not seeing much of Viki in her. Jessica is always the victim, rarely the heroine.
    Tony Marino
    Tony Marino
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    Jessica what has come over you? Empty Re: Jessica what has come over you?

    Post by Tony Marino Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:55 am

    Doyen wrote:She's becoming nothing but a simpering victim, which is sad considering who her mother is. I always assumed that the whole point of the Jessica character was to succeed Viki, but (aside from multiple personalities) I am not seeing much of Viki in her. Jessica is always the victim, rarely the heroine.

    You are so right, I wish they would pump Jessica up a few notches and get her settled into a comfortable role instead of being victim and lunatic. No one compares to Viki, not even Natty, who by the way is a lot stronger in personality than Jessica. If Megan had lived I think she would have been a better successor for Viki.
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    Jessica what has come over you? Empty Re: Jessica what has come over you?

    Post by stavdash Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:22 am

    I agree that Megan was the real "next Viki." She was arguably OLTL's last great heroine. Jessica and Natalie are two overgrown little girls, who're always in crisis, and constantly need babysitting, post-coddling and protection from the world. I've always hated Natalie, so her character flaws are par for the course, AFAIC, but I was once a fan of Jessica's, and hate how they've destroyed her.

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    Jessica what has come over you? Empty Re: Jessica what has come over you?

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